#Mighty time tracker

NOTE: This is just a dump of a personal project that used to be a private repo and thus is pretty poorly documented and hacky.

Mighty time tracker is a time tracking tool that I wrote in order to keep track of work I've done and gotten paid for on a hourly basis. Most of the code is written in 2010 in javascript using node.js.


  • Node.js, some ancient version I'm sure.
  • Mongodb
  • Express
  • Jade
  • Stylus
  • bson
  • mongoose

##Gettings started Run the server by running the server.js file using node server.js and it should work if you have mongodb installed. Mighty pressumes that it can access mongodb on mongodb://localhost:27017/


  • server.js this is probably where you want to start to understand the app. It's quite a mess but give it a go.
  • /models contains the data models used in mighty (session, user, work), some are persisted to mongo, others aren't.
  • /public contains the clientside javascript and stylesheets. The stylesheets are written in stylus (<-- madness).
  • /views contains all the views, these are written in jade (<-- madness).

##Personal todos

Remember to add: db.users.ensureIndex({"mail": 1}, {unique: true}); db.users.ensureIndex({"name": 1}, {unique: true}); to mongo.