Figma style generator

Please note that this is currently a proof of concept and is not ready to be used. I hope this proves to be useful to anyone who is also playing around with Figma's API


This tool allows a user to export a scss file containing all the font, gradient, and color variables for a given document. Functionality could be expanded to include standard button styles and general component styles.


  • Users download the style guide template file and create a style guide in figma.
    • The template document has named artboards which needed by the tool to identify the components on the artboard and how to handle them.
  • Users copy and paste the artboard ID into the text field on the tool
  • Users click generate style
  • The tool outputs a typography.scss file, colors.scss file and a variables.scss file



Flat Colors

  1. RGB values get stored into an object with the following properties:
    1. name: string (eg. '$blue')
    2. r: int (0 - 255)
    3. g: int (0 - 255)
    4. b: int (0 - 255)
    5. a: float (0.0 - 1.0)
    6. hex: string (eg. '#e567a0')
    7. cssColor: string (valid css color definition)
    8. reference: string (eg. '$blue'), reference to another color by color name, default (None)
  2. HEX code is generated from RBG colors and saved as hex on the color object.
  3. cssColor value is generated
    1. If a !== 0;
      1. cssColor = rgba(hex, a)
    2. else;
      1. cssColor = hex
  4. The color name is assigned based on the name of the object on the figma file.
    1. text is converted to lowercase.
    2. spaces get converted to hyphens.
    3. $ is prepended to the name.
  5. The color object is pushed into the flatColors array.
  6. SCSS is generated
    1. For each color object:
      1. a color variable is defined
        1. eg. $blue: #0000ff;
      2. a number of css selectors are created
        1. .color-<color-name> sets color
        2. .bg-<color-name> sets background-color


  1. Figma object on colors artboard is checked if it contains a gradient.
    1. Gradient objects get processed after all colors are processed
  2. A gradient object is created containing properties:
    1. name: string (eg 'green-gradient')
    2. colors: array of strings, references color name ( see flat colors )
    3. gradientHandles: array of floats
    4. angle: float (0.0 - 360.0)
  3. For each gradient a series of new color objects are created with the names <gradient-name>-position-<num>
  4. Each new color is pushed to the the gradientColors array
  5. Each color in the gradient is checked with the existing colors in the flatColors array
  6. if no color variable exists;
    1. the color object created in step 4 is populated as per the specification for flat colors
  7. if the color variable does exist;
    1. the color object is populated with a reference to the flat color variable name.
  8. angle is calculated trigonometrically by taking the start and end positions of the gradient handles
  9. SCSS is generated
    1. For each gradient object:
      1. two gradient variables are defined
        1. normal: eg. $blue-gradient: linear-gradient(0deg, $blue-gradient-1 0%, $blue-gradient-2 100%);
        2. reversed: eg. $blue-gradient-reversed: linear-gradient(0deg, $blue-gradient-2 0%, $blue-gradient-1 100%);
      2. a number of css selectors are created
        1. .bg-<gradient-name> sets background-color to gradient
        2. .bg-<gradient-name>-reversed sets background-color to reversed gradient


  1. Each text object on the figma fonts artboard is processed
    1. Desktop fonts should be suffixed with -lg on the figma file.
    2. Mobile fonts should be suffixed with -xs on the figma file.
    3. Tablet fonts do not need to be specified as they will be interpolated.
    4. standard
  2. for each font group (eg. h1-lg, h1-xs) a font group object is created:
    1. name: sting (group name eg. h1)
    2. sizes: object of typography objects {xs, sm, md, lg}
    3. classes: array of strings (eg ['h1', '.font-style-one'])
  3. Data from the figma json file populates a typography object is created for xs and lg containing the following properties:
    1. name: string (generated based on figma names (eg. h1-lg))
    2. color: string, references color name ( see flat colors )
    3. font-family: string
    4. font-weight: int
    5. fontSize: int
    6. textAlignVertical: string
    7. letterSpacing: int,
    8. lineHeightPercent: int
  4. data for sm and md are generated through interpolation of xs and lg
    1. sm = xs + (lg - xs)/3
    2. md = xs + (2 * (lg - xs))/3
  5. SCSS is generated
    1. For each font group object a css selector is created
      1. joining array or classes on a , (h1, .font-style-one)
      2. this gives each of the heading tags automatic styling as well as the possibility of overriding the style using the font-style class.
    2. each size maps to a media query eg @include('>md')