Cannabis Concierge


Cannabis Concierge is an app that helps users navigate the wide world of cannabis. With so many varieties of cannabis available these days, it can be hard to branch out and explore new strains without really knowing what you're going to get.

Cannabis Concierge allows a user to explore strains find their new favorite strains based on their desired set and setting.

Recreational Use: In the activity menu, a user can select from 6 activities and be given a listing of strains that are perfect for that activity.

If the user is looking for a specific feeling, the Mood menu allows users to filter through 12 different effects to find their flower. We also allow users to search for strains based on desired flavor profiles. No matter the vibe, we will help you find your high.

Medical Use: Cannabis has many medicinal properties as well, and we wanted to highlight this widespread use of cannabis for our users. Navigating to the Medicinal menu option will allow users to select their symptoms and be given a customized selection of medicinal strains. Just what the doctor ordered.


Login Page (Must be 21+ to enter) login page

Welcome Page

welcome page

Activities Page

activities page

Effects Page

effects page

Flavors Page

flavors page

Medicinal Page

medicinal page

Strain Profile Card

strain view

Favorited Strain

favorited strain



login gif


activities gif


effects gif


flavors gif


medicinal gif

Strain Card & Favoriting Strain

strain gif

Technologies Used:

  • MobX (Stretch Technology Implemented)
  • React Hooks
  • Create React App
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Fetch API (
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library

Learning Goals:

  • Teach ourselves a global state management(GSM) technology and implement it (MobX)
  • Build an App that is the answer to the question: "How do I decide which kind of cannabis I should try?"
  • Expand understanding of React while also implementing GSM
  • Write tests for React components and some asynchronous functionality


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install to get dependencies
  3. Run `npm start' to start the webserver
  4. Open localhost:3000 in your favorite browser

Future Iterations:

  • Implement Favorites Menu that displays a user's favorited strains.
  • Add Search functionality to find strains by name.
  • Add a Quiz that will allow users to answer questions and be given a suggestion for a strain they should try.
  • Make APP responsive for Mobile.
  • Dispensary integration to locate where strains are available.


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.