Share a smile

I want to share my experience about it. Being a mother it's such a great experience because you accumulate unforgettable moments in your heart and soul, but also you accumulate toys, clothes, and accessories unused, and then you don't know what to do with all of them. Well, that's why we develop the application called Share a Smile, this is a social network app made for people who wants to connect with others to buy, sell or donate children's items, therefore, making happy children and parents.

Basic elements of a social media

In this project, Social media are a collection of technologies that enable people to, listen, create, share, connect, amplify and measure media (content) with one another. This all generally happens in an environment free from the constraints of gatekeepers or approval processes, and by definition on platforms that require two-way and multi-way communications.

As a result, five inter-related elements of social media have become available.

  • Listening (Research)
  • Content Marketing (Content Creation and Curation)
  • Engagement (Community Management)
  • Promotion (Advertising)
  • Measurement (Metrics, KPIs, and Analytics)

Usability survey

We ask at least 30 people who had children or nephew, who did not use the children's toys and clothes no longer. At least 89% of them do not know what to do with so many articles that nobody uses.

In addition, we have been tested to find out which is the preferred color of the application, showing the following results. enter image description here enter image description here

Low fidelity sketch

enter image description here

enter image description here

User stories

1.-The user needs to visualize a button in order to start browsing the app. The option of: -Log in -Create new account 2.- The user already registered, can enter your account through an interface that allows you to put data. 3.- The user who does not have an account, will be able to create it through facebook or google. 4.- The user can view his wall and can publish his sold or donated items. 5.- The user after publishing a post, can delete or edit it, could make click in the like button.

High fidelity sketch

first Image show to users second mvp showed to users thir mvp showed to users enter image description here


Preview of login Preview of app