        |       User Interface       |
        |   Recommendation Engine   |
|   User Data    +    Movie Data    +    ... |
          |    Preprocessing   |
        |   Feature Extraction  |
       |   Machine Learning Model   |
          |     Predictions    |
           |    Recommendation   |

User Interface: This is where users interact with the recommender system, providing input such as ratings, reviews, or preferences.

Recommendation Engine: The core of the system, responsible for generating personalized recommendations for users based on their input and historical data.

User Data & Movie Data: The raw data sources containing information about users (e.g., demographics, past interactions) and movies (e.g., genres, ratings).

Preprocessing: Cleaning, filtering, and transforming the raw data to prepare it for feature extraction and model training.

Feature Extraction: Extracting relevant features from the preprocessed data to represent users, movies, and their interactions in a meaningful way for the machine learning model.

Machine Learning Model: Trained model(s) that utilize the extracted features to make predictions, such as user preferences for movies.

Predictions: Using the trained model to predict user preferences for movies or generate recommendations.

Recommendation: The final list of recommended movies presented to the user based on the predictions made by the model.

Note: This diagram provides a high-level overview of the components and flow of a typical movie recommender system. Actual implementations may vary in complexity and architecture.