AT_of_web_services version 1.1.0 ([AT Lab#19])

The framework tests rest api of servise -



The application needs to have the following dependencies:

  1. npm --version 6.1.0
  2. node --version 8.11.3


$ npm install

Before start the program is supposed to run the command [npm install].
It downloads needed modules and prepars the programm for start.
There is a list of modules and their versions:

  • "ajv": "^6.5.2",
  • "chai": "^4.1.2",
  • "eslint": "^5.2.0",
  • "log4js": "^3.0.4",
  • "mocha": "^5.2.0",
  • "mochawesome": "^3.0.3",
  • "request": "^2.87.0",
  • "request-promise-native": "^1.0.5"


For running tests execute command:

$ npm test

For checking codestyle with linter:

$ npm run lint

For running report :

$ npm run report


If the body of request is empty I suppose to receive request with:
statusCode: "400" and statusMessage: "Bad Request"

If the body of request contains not propriate property I suppose to receive request with:
statusCode: "400" and statusMessage: "Bad Request"

If the body of request is string I suppose to receive request with:
statusCode: "400" and statusMessage: "Bad Request"

If I sent request with not existing path I suppose to receive request with:
statusCode: "404" and statusMessage: "Not Found"

If I sent request with not implemented method (UPDATE, OPTION) path I suppose to receive request with:
statusCode: "400" and statusMessage: "Bad Request"

If I sent request with not suitable method for existing path I suppose to receive request with:
statusCode: "404" and statusMessage: "Not Found"
Examples: PUT for path - /users; POST for path - /users/1; PATCH for path - /users

Structure of the framework


  • configs - there is config file for logger which based on lof4js module. logger config
  • data - there are located json files with test data. test data
  • data/schema - there are test schemas for testing body of response. Schemas based on ajv module. schemas
  • test - home folder for all tests and config file for mocha. mocha.opt
  • test/positive - there are positive tests. positive tests
  • test/negative - there are negative tests. negative tests
  • utils - it is folder for helpfull modules. utils

In addition after install are created two folders:

  • logs - there wil be saved logger's files: combine.log and error.log.
  • reports - all data for reports wil be stored here.


Dzmitry_Karneyenka, Republic of Belarus, Minsk