
Project Structure

    ├── src                       - store source files of the project
    │   └── utils
    │       ├── csv.serve.ts
    │       └── string.reverse.ts
    ├── temp                     - temporary folder which is used for csv conversion
    │   ├── csv                  -  from [./temp/csv]
    │   └── csv-parsed           -  to [./temp/csv-parsed]
    ├── test                     - the folder for testing purpose
    │   └── data
    │       └──
    ├── build                    - stores the output of the TypeScript compilation with [tsc]
    ├── lib                      - stores the output of the TypeScript compilation with [babel]
    ├── package-lock.json
    └── tsconfig.json
    ├── package.json


Script name Command Description
postinstall npm run tsc && npm run babel:tsc Compile js-representation files with TypeScript & Babel(TypeScript plugin)
tsc tsc Compile js-representation files with TypeScript and put them into ./build folder
babel:tsc babel --extensions \".ts\" ./src --out-dir ./lib Compile js-representation files with Babel(TypeScript plugin) and put them into ./lib folder
task1 nodemon --config ./ ./src/utils/string.reverse.ts Run the solution for Task 1
task2 npm run task2:stream Run the solution for Task 2
task2:stream nodemon --config ./ ./src/utils/ Run the solution for Task 2 with usage stream approach
task2:no_stream nodemon --config ./ ./src/utils/csv.serve.no_stream.ts Run the solution for Task 2 with usage regular usage of readFile and appendFile functions
task3.1:babel nodemon ./lib/utils/string.reverse.js Run the solution for Task 3.1
task3.2:babel nodemon ./lib/utils/ Run the solution for Task 3.2
start:dev nodemon ./src/app.ts Run the solution for the Module_2: ExpressJS server

Service API (PATH=/api/v1)

[x-access-token] all endpoints required, except /api/v1/login and /

VERB Route Description
GET / Return message: "Hello World!"

User API (PATH=/api/v1/user)

VERB Route Description
POST / Create User
GET /list Get list of all users (or filter by query params)
GET /:id Get User by ID
PUT /:id Update user by parameter ID
DELETE /:id Delete user by parameter ID (use query params to soft deletion)

User API (PATH=/api/v1/group)

VERB Route Description
POST / Create a Group
GET /list Get list of all groups (or filter by query params)
GET /:id Get Group by ID
PUT /:id Update a group by parameter ID
DELETE /:id Delete group by parameter ID (only hard deletion is supported)
POST /user Add a user to groups

User API (PATH=/api/v1/login)

VERB Route Description
POST / Create provide token based on sent username and password

N.B. More details in Swagger (OpenAPI) file will be added later.

Environment variables

Default value Description
SERVICE_ENV dev Environment on each service is run
JWT_SECRET unspecified JsonWebToken secret text to generate token
JWT_EXPIRATION_TERM 600 Time term for the token
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY unspecified Unsupported currently. However it is allocated for the future implementation to store path to secret key
DB_USER unspecified Database username
DB_PASSWORD unspecified Database password
DB_NAME unspecified Database name
DB_HOST unspecified Database hostname
DB_PORT unspecified Database port number
KABOOM unspecified Time term in ms when unexpected Error will throw any where in code to check safe exit from service

Task Completion


Task 1:

  • Add unit tests for User entity controller methods using Jest library.
  • Add unit tests for Group entity controller methods using Jest.

Task 2:

  • The information on DB connection (connection string) should be stored in .env file and should be passed to the application using environment variables with the help of dotenv package. As an alternative package you can also use config.


Task 1:

  • Add authorization to the already existing REST service.
  • Add login(username, password)method which should return JWT token.
  • Add a middleware which will proxy all the requests (except login) and check that HTTP Authorization header has the correct value of JWT token.
  • In case of the HTTP Authorization header is absent in the request, the middleware should stop further controller method execution and return HTTP 401 code (Unauthorized Error) and standard error message.
  • In case of HTTPAuthorization header has invalid JWT token in the request, the middleware should return HTTP code 403 (Forbidden Error) and standard error message.

Task 2:

-Add CORS middleware to access service methods from WEB applications hosted on another domains Express Cors middleware.


Task 1:

  • Add express middleware which will log which service method has been invoked and which arguments have been passed to it.

Task 2:

  • Add express middleware which will log all unhandled errors and return a standard message with HTTP code 500(Internal Server Error). Remark: Do not modify the status code and the message for other errors like validation errors from the previous task.
  • Add error handling to process.on ("uncaughtException",...).
  • Add Unhandled promise rejection listener to log errors.

Task 3:

  • Every method in the controllers should log the errors which should include the following information:
    • method name;
    • arguments which have been passed to the method;
    • error message.


Task 1:

  • Add Group entity to already existing REST service with CRUD operations;
  • TheGroup entity should have the following properties (you can use UUID as Group id):
export type TPermission = "READ" | "WRITE" | "DELETE" | "SHARE" | "UPLOAD_FILES";

export type TGroup = {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    permissions: TPermission[];
  • The service should provide the following CRUD operations for Group:
    • Get group by id;
    • Get all groups;
    • Create and update a group;
    • Remove group (hard delete–group data is fully removed from the DB);
  • Storing of groups data should be done in PostgreSQLinGroups table;
  • The service should follow the principles of 3-layer architecture.

Task 2:

  • Link User records in one table with Group records in another table.
  • Add a UserGroup table ("many-to-many" relationship) which will store the data describing which users are assigned to which group.
  • If any record gets removed from the DB, then all linked records should be removed from UserGroup as well.

Task 3:

  • Add addUsersToGroup(groupId, userIds) method which will allow adding users to a certain group.
  • Use transactions to save records in DB.

Module-3: PostgreSQL and layered architecture

Project structure example from a lecture (based on the Layered architecture approach)

   src                          - store source files of the project
    ├── app.js                  - The application entry point
    ├── api/                    - Express route controllers for all the endpoints of the application
    ├── config/                 - Environment variables and configuration related stuff
    ├── loaders/                - Split the startup process into modules
    ├── models/                 - Database models
    ├── services/               - All the business logic here
    ├── subscribes/             - Event handlers for async tasks
    ├── types/                  - Type declaration files (d.ts) for TypeScript

Task 1:

  • Install DB PostgreSQL on your machine or use a free web hosting services for PostgreSQL (Heroku ElephantSQL).
  • Write> SQL script which will create Users table in the DB and fill it in with predefined users’ collection.
  • Configure your REST service to work with PostgreSQL.
  • Use the sequelize package SequelizeJS as ORM to work with PostgreSQL.
  • As an alternative to sequelize you can use more low-level query-builder library KnexJS.

Task 2:

    ├── routers/controllers
    ├── services/
    ├── data-access/
    ├── models/

Module-2: In-memory CRUD REST service with validation

  1. Write a simple REST service with CRUD operations for User entity.
  • To create REST service,use ExpressJS ExpressJS.
  • The User should have the following properties (you can use UUID as a user identifier (id)):
    type User = {
       id: string;
       login: string;
       password: string;
       age: number;
       isDeleted: boolean;  

Service should have the following CRUD operations for User:

  • get user by id;
  • create and update user;
  • get auto-suggest list from limit users, sorted by login property and filtered by loginSubstringin the login property: getAutoSuggestUsers(loginSubstring, limit)
  • remove user (soft delete–user gets marked with isDeleted flag, but not removed from the collection).
  • Store user’s collection in the service memory (while the service is running).To test the service CRUD methods,you can use Postman.
  1. Add server-side validation for create/update operations of User entity:
  • all fields are required;
  • login validation is required;
  • password must contain letters and numbers;
  • user’s age must be between 4 and 130.
  • In case of any property does not meet the validation requirements or the field is absent, return 400 (Bad Request) and detailed error message.
  • For requests validation use special packages like [joi](< or Express-joi-validation.

Module-1: Basics

  1. Write a program which reads a string from the standard input stdin, reverses it and then writes it to the standard output stdout.
  • The program should be started from npm script via nodemon(i.e. npm run task1).
  • The program should be running in a stand-by mode and should not be terminated after the first-string processing
  1. Write a program which should do the following:
  • Read the content of csv file from ./csv directory. Example:
    The Compound Effect,Darren Hardy,5,9.48
    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,Stephen R. Covey,4,23.48
    The Miracle Morning,Hal Elrod,10,21.34
    Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,Robert B. Cialdini,4,12.99
    The ONE Thing,Gary Keller,1,11.18
  • Use the csvtojson package to convert csv file to json object.
  • Write the csv file content to a new txt file. Use the following format: Example
    {"book":"The Compound Effect","author":"Darren Hardy","price":9.48}
    {"book":"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People","author":"Stephen R. Covey","price":23.48}
    {"book":"The Miracle Morning","author":"Hal Elrod","price":21.34}
    {"book":"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion","author":"Robert B. Cialdini","price":12.99}
    {"book":"The ONE Thing","author":"Gary Keller","price":11.18}
  • Do not load all the content of the csv file into RAM via stream (read/write file content line by line).
  • In case of read/write errors, log them in the console.
  • The program should be started via npm script using nodemon(i.e. npm run task2).
  1. Rewrite the above-mentioned programs to use babel and ES6 modules.