Atari 8-bit maze generator
This Atari 8-bit assembly program implements the Hunt-and-kill maze generating algorithm from
A-Maze was started as a hobby project to try out writing 6502 assembly code for the 8-bit home computer that started my interest in computers and programming, and later led me into professional career, Atari 800XL.
Later I wanted to add some game elements in it. Controlling a character with joystick, and implementing some path finding and simple opponent AI. Unfortunately I have not had time to implement these.
Note There are unfinished code and source files that are waiting for implementation.
The program was developed using Peter Dell's WUDSN IDE
ASM variant used is MAD-Assembler:
Build obx object file using:
mads maze.asm
A-Maze was written by Karo Launonen. Licensed to public domain. Do what you want with it, but please do tell me, if you find it interesting.