
Monitor changes on web pages, commands result, etc

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

webmon ver 2.9.x

Monitor changes on web pages, command results, GitHub & Gitlab repositories, Jamendo albums, RSS channels, custom user sources etc. With web ui and optionally sending report by mail.

Inspired by https://github.com/thp/urlwatch and http://miniflux.app/ (webmon2 gui)


  • Python 3.11+
  • Postgresql 10+
  • psycopg3 & psycopg_pool
  • requests
  • yaml
  • html2text (for html2text filter)
  • markdown2 (for HTML output/reports/mails)
  • defusedxml / ElementTree (for get-elements-* filters)
  • feedparser (for rss input)
  • github3py (for GitHub api; pip install --pre github3.py)
  • cssselect & python3-lxml (for elements filtering)
  • readability-lxml
  • flask, Werkzeug, gevent and optional Flask_Minify
  • python-gitlab (for gitlab api; pip install python3-gitlab)
  • pyotp, pyqrcode for TOTP 2FA
  • sdnotify (optional for systemd service)
  • setproctitle (optional; python3-setproctitle)


  1. pip3 install webmon2<version>.whl
  2. create database (createuser -P webmon2; createdb -O webmon2 webmon2)
  3. create configuration file (see below)
  4. update schema: webmon2 update-schema


  1. launch webmon2 -h to see help

Global Options

usage: webmon2.py [-h] [-s] [-v] [-d] [--log LOG] [-c CONF] [--database DATABASE] {abilities,update-schema,migrate,users,serve,write-config} ...

webmon2 2.5.1

positional arguments:
    abilities           show available filters/sources/comparators
    update-schema       update database schema
    migrate             migrate sources from file
    users               manage users
    serve               Start application
    write-config        write default configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --silent          show only errors and warnings
  -v, --verbose         show additional information
  -d, --debug           print debug information
  --log LOG             log file name
  -c CONF, --conf CONF  configuration file name
  --database DATABASE   database connection string

Start server

usage: webmon2.py serve [-h] [--app-root WEB_APP_ROOT] [--workers WORKERS]
                        [--address WEB_ADDRESS] [--port WEB_PORT]
                        [--smtp-server-address SMTP_SERVER_ADDRESS]
                        [--smtp-server-port SMTP_SERVER_PORT]
                        [--smtp-server-ssl] [--smtp-server-starttls]
                        [--smtp-server-from SMTP_SERVER_FROM]
                        [--smtp-server-login SMTP_SERVER_LOGIN]
                        [--smtp-server-password SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --app-root WEB_APP_ROOT
                        root for url patch (for reverse proxy)
  --workers WORKERS     number of background workers
  --address WEB_ADDRESS
                        web interface listen address
  --port WEB_PORT       web interface listen port
  --smtp-server-address SMTP_SERVER_ADDRESS
                        smtp server address
  --smtp-server-port SMTP_SERVER_PORT
                        smtp server port
  --smtp-server-ssl     enable ssl for smtp serve
                        enable starttls for smtp serve
  --smtp-server-from SMTP_SERVER_FROM
                        email address for webmon
  --smtp-server-login SMTP_SERVER_LOGIN
                        login for smtp authentication
  --smtp-server-password SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD
                        password for smtp authentication

Manage users

usage: webmon2.py users [-h] {add,passwd,remove_totp} ...

positional arguments:
                        user commands
    add                 add user
    passwd              change user password
    remove_totp         remove two factor authentication for user

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Webmon2 requre Posrgresql database.

DATABASE - connection string in form: postgresql://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port>/<database>

Configuration file

Some options may be configured globally in configuration file selected by -c --config argument. When no file is selected application try load configuration file from ~/.config/webmon2/webmon2.ini.

See webmon2.ini for example / defaults.

See write-config for write default configuration file.


User my define own filters, inputs, outputs and comparators by creating .py file in ~/.local/share/webmon2 and creating subclass of:

  • webmon2.filters.AbstractFilter
  • webmon2.sources.AbstractSource


Copyright (c) Karol Będkowski, 2016-2022

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

For details please see COPYING file.