
Demonstrate repo of performance issue with ts-jest

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sample project to demonstrate performance issue with ts-jest (>=23.10.0) on Windows

Looks like problem with resolver?


yarn fast-test - test without imports (5.82s)

yarn slow-test - test with imports (29.61s)

Normal script with imports works fast

yarn normal-script-is-fast

Previous versions of ts-jest works better.

Try to change branch to ts-jest-23.1.4 and repeat above steps (it's better 4.78s vs 10.9s)

On Linux more or less nothing changed

23.1.4: 3.6s vs +-9s

24.0.2: 4.7s vs +-9s


node --prof node_modules/\@angular/cli/bin/ng test sample --test-file slow-test.spec.ts

node --prof-process isolate-*-v8.log