
Some simple tools for input and output operations

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


Some simple tools for input and output operations

All tools are header only. Add the include directory to your header search path.

Provided C++11 tools:

Provided C++17 tools:


The stream in the C++ standard library don't support char8_t, char16_t and char32_t!


We don't use wchar_t in our code. Because of that we support char only in the io_tools library functions.

Build and install

The library is header-only but you can install it via cmake.

If you want to install it for all users:

cmake /path/to/io_tools
make install

If you want to install it without root permissions:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local /path/to/io_tools
make install

When you installed the library, you can use find_package(io_tools) in your CMakeLists.txt. It will define ${io_tools_INCLUDE_DIR} which you can use in include_directories to add the installed library to your header search path.

If you installed it with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, you have to use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH by configuring your own project, otherwise find_package(io_tools) will not find io_tools.

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/.local /path/to/your/project

Build tests

cmake -DIO_TOOLS_BUILD_TESTS=ON /path/to/io_tools

Instead of IO_TOOLS_BUILD_TESTS which builds all tests, you can test for specific C++ standards by:



Basic std::istream tools (C++11)

io_tools::is_next(std::istream& is, char expected) (C++11)

Returns if the next character in is is expected. Returns false if not std::ios_base::goodbit was set in is.

The streams iostate is never changed by is_next!

io_tools::extract_if_is(std::istream& is, char expected) (C++11)

Same as io_tools::is_next but the character is extracted from the stream if it matchs.

io_tools::expect(std::istream& is, T expected) (C++11)

Same as io_tools::extract_if_is but the std::ios_base::failbit is set on is if extraction failed.

Note that expected can be any type with overloaded input operator.

I/O for sequence types (C++11)

I/O operators for C-Arrays and std::array (C++11)

This dosn't work with arrays of size 0!

For both input and output streams the I/O operators are overloaded. In include io_tools/io_c_array.hpp/io_tools/io_std_array.hpp.

Array format as string is: '{' element *(',' element) '}'.

For input operations the element count must match the array size.

Then you need to import the overloads into your scope:

using namespace ::io_tools::io_c_array;
using namespace ::io_tools::io_std_array;
Example C-Array I/O
#include <io_tools/io_c_array.hpp>
#include <sstream>

void output_example(){
    using namespace ::io_tools::io_c_array;

    int array[2] = {1, 2};

    std::ostringstream os;
    os << array; // os.str() == "{1,2}"

void input_example(){
    using namespace ::io_tools::io_c_array;

    int array[2] = {};

    std::istringstream is("{1,2}");
    is >> array; // array[0] == 1 && array[1] == 2
Example std::array I/O
#include <io_tools/io_c_array.hpp>
#include <sstream>

void output_example(){
    using namespace ::io_tools::io_std_array;

    std::array< int, 2 > array{{1, 2}};

    std::ostringstream os;
    os << array; // os.str() == "{1,2}"

void input_example(){
    using namespace ::io_tools::io_std_array;

    std::array< int, 2 > array{};

    std::istringstream is("{1,2}");
    is >> array; // array[0] == 1 && array[1] == 2

I/O operators for std::vector (C++11)

For both input and output streams the I/O operators are overloaded. In include io_tools/io_std_vector.hpp.

Array format as string is: '{' element *(',' element) '}'.

The std::vector size is automatically adjusted during the input operation.

Then you need to import the overloads into your scope:

using namespace ::io_tools::io_std_vector;
Example std::vector I/O
#include <io_tools/io_std_vector.hpp>
#include <sstream>

void output_example(){
    using namespace ::io_tools::io_std_vector;

    std::vector< int > array{1, 2};

    std::ostringstream os;
    os << array; // os.str() == "{1,2}"

void input_example(){
    using namespace ::io_tools::io_std_vector;

    std::vector< int > array;

    std::istringstream is("{1,2}");
    is >> array; // array.size() == 2 && array[0] == 1 && array[1] == 2

String creation

range_to_string(sequence, delimiter = ", ") (C++17)

This tools prints every element of a sequence into a string separated by delimiter. A sequence is an object for which you can iterate from begin to end. The print is implemented as output on an std::ostringstream.

#include <io_tools/range_to_string.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main(){
    std::vector< int > s1{1, 2, 3};
    std::cout << range_to_string(s1) << '\n'; // "1, 2, 3"

    int s1[3] = {1, 2, 3};
    std::cout << range_to_string(s2, "x") << '\n'; // "1x2x3"

make_string(args ...) (C++17)

Prints every given argument on an std::ostringstream. By default std::boolalpha is enabled.

#include <io_tools/make_string.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main(){
    std::cout << io_tools::make_string(0,3, "test", 5, '\n'); // "0.3test5\n"

make_string_separated_by(delimiter, args ...) (C++17)

Prints every given argument on an std::ostringstream separated by delimiter. By default std::boolalpha is enabled.

#include <io_tools/make_string.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main(){
    std::cout << io_tools::make_string_separated_by(
        "-:-", 0,3, "test", 5, '\n'); // "0.3-:-test-:-5-:-\n"

Excape characters to print them in one line


This functions replaces any non-printable and non-ascii character in the string with its hex code or escape sequence version. The hex code is in uppercase and starts with \x. (E.g. \x0F) The following escape sequences are used instead of the hex code: \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t and \v. Backslashes are replaced by two backslashes. (\ -> \\)


This is done byte wise and works also for UTF-8 encoded text because UTF-8 encoded characters are required that any byte in the character is bigger then 127 which makes any byte non-ascii.

#include <io_tools/mask_non_print.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main(){
    std::cout << io_tools::mask_non_print("»test«\n"); // "\\xC2\\xBBtest\\xC2\\xAB\\n"

Other tools


This tool is not well designed and should be replaced by a better one.

Don't use it!







License notice

This software was originally developed privately by Benjamin Buch. All changes are released under the Boost Software License - Version 1.0 and published on GitHub.
