
A simple Kotlin based Android application to demonstrate JetPack architecture components with different dependency injection frameworks like Dagger and Koin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin + MVVM + Jetpack + Dagger2/Koin

This is a simple experimental Android application developed to evaluate two major dependency framework in Android ecosystem namely Dagger2 and Koin. This application also leverages from Jetpack architectural components such as LiveData, LifeCycle, Navigation Component, Room, View Model, and Coroutines.

Here are the details of DI implementation,

  1. without_di -> This branch has the source code without any dependency injection library.
  2. master -> In this branch dependency injection implemented using Dagger2
  3. with_koin -> In this branch dependency injection implemented using Koin.

May be comparing master and with_koin will give you an overview of complexity, implementation and developer friendliness of these two different dependency injection library.