
Events App

  • Store event title, place (reuse Places App), tags (use taggit), created_by (user), created, modified (use django-model-utils TimeStampedModel)
  • Store event timings (one event can have multiple timings or can be all day)
  • Views for event detail, events list for a month, day, year and all events (use django-filter for filtering based on date, month etc)
  • View to create event

Movies app:

Movies should have the following information

  • Title
  • Prefix
  • Subtitle
  • Slug
  • Directors
  • Studio
  • Released date
  • Cover image
  • Review
  • Genre
  • ASIN - ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number

A movie can be associated with only one studio however a studio can be associated with n number of movies.

The studio should have the following information

  • Title
  • Prefix
  • Website
  • Slug

A movie can have n number of genre and a genre can have n number of movies.

Genre should contain

  • Tile
  • Slug

Similarly, a movie can have n number of directors and a director can have n number of movies.

Director can have basic information like

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Middle name
  • Phone number
  • Birthdate
  • Website
  • Gender

The required views are

  • Movies list
  • Movie detail
  • Genre list
  • Genre detail
  • Studio list
  • Studio detail
  • Directors list
  • Director detail

Consider, movie = Movie.objects.get(id=1). movie.amazon_url should return the Amazon URL for that movie using ASIN. Keep in mind amazon_url is not a model field.

Music App