
A website that will curate recently-asked interview questions from FAANG+ to help people practice & prep!

MIT LicenseMIT


A website that will curate recently-asked interview questions from FAANG+ to help people practice & prep!

The questions will be submitted anonymously, or at least semi-anonymously. We'll ensure that no matter who submits them, we won't reveal the usernames, emails or any other personal info unless they explicitly choose to do so.


You can find YK's original tweet here.

tech stack

Currently planning to use:

  • frontend: Next.js / React
  • CSS framework: Tailwind - probably?
  • backend: most likely Supabase
  • hosting: Vercel

However, this is by no means set in stone!

how to contribute

First of all, feel free to submit feature requests as issues.

If you have any other thoughts, feel free to start discussions around those, too.

Right now, we don't even have a UI mockup yet. This is a completely new project. So, the next step is probably to make some UI mockups. Feel free to take a stab at that and submit your idea as a PR!

The other thing that'd be helpful is a flowchart of how users might interact with the website.