
File structure

  • constants:

    • This directory typically contains files that store constant values or configurations used throughout the application.
  • controllers:

    • The controllers directory usually holds files that define the application's business logic and handle various HTTP requests. Controllers act as the intermediate layer between the routes and models, processing incoming requests, interacting with the models, and returning appropriate responses.
  • models:

    • The models directory contains files that define the data structures and business logic of your application. These files often represent database tables, and they may include database queries, validation rules, and other relevant functions related to data manipulation and retrieval.
  • prisma:

    • The prisma directory contains files related to the Prisma ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) configuration. Prisma is a popular tool for database interaction, and this directory could include Prisma schema files and related configuration files.
  • routes:

    • The routes directory typically contains files that define the various API routes for your application. These files map incoming HTTP requests to the corresponding controller functions, enabling the server to handle different endpoints and operations.
  • utils:

    • The utils directory usually stores utility functions or helper modules that are used throughout the application. These functions perform specific tasks or provide common functionalities that are reusable in different parts of the codebase.