
Make pluginable applications.


const { PluginAnything } = require('plugin-anything');

class MyPlugin__A {
    constructor(options) {
        console.log('my plugin A options', options);

    apply(pa) {
        const { hooks, utils } = pa;

        hooks.done.tap('my plugin A', async (data) => {
            console.log('my plugin A hook run', data);

            return 'a';

class MyPlugin__B {
    constructor(options) {
        console.log('my plugin B options', options);

    apply(pa) {
        const { hooks, utils } = pa;

        hooks.done.tap('my plugin B', async (data) => {
            console.log('my plugin B hook run', data);

class MyPlugin__C {
    constructor(options) {
        console.log('my plugin C options', options);

    apply(pa) {
        const { hooks, utils } = pa;

        hooks.done.tap('my plugin C', async (data) => {
            console.log('my plugin C hook run', data);

function initHooks() {
    const pa = new PluginAnything();

    // init anything into pa
    Object.assign(pa, {
        utils: {
            aaa: 1
        hooks: {
            start: pa.createHook(),
            done: pa.createHook(),

    // install plugins
        // Array< string | FunctionContructor | Array<string | FunctionContructor, object> >
        plugins: [
            [ MyPlugin__B, { name: 'bbb' } ],
            new MyPlugin__C({ name: 'ccc' }),

        // search plugins when plugin name is string
        // Array< string >; Array item should be absolute folder path
        searchList: [],

    return pa;

// run events defined in plugins
(async () => {
    const pa = initHooks();
    await pa.hooks.done.flush();
# because of `new MyPlugin__C({ name: 'ccc' })` runs first
my plugin C options { name: 'ccc' }
my plugin A options {}
my plugin B options { name: 'bbb' }

# event 'done' callbacks
my plugin A hook run undefined
my plugin B hook run a
my plugin C hook run undefined


  • searchList: Array< string >

    Absolute folder path list that will be used in searching plugins.


  • plugins: Array< string | FunctionContructor | { apply(data?: any): any; [ name: string ]: any } | Array<string | FunctionContructor, object> >

    class MyPlugin {
        constructor(options) {
            this.options = options;
        options: {};
        apply(pa) {
    // config demo
        plugins: {
            [ 'my-plugin-1', { params: 1 } ],
            [ MyPlugin, { params: 2 } ],
            new MyPlugin({ params: 2 })
  • createHook()

    const hook = createHook();
    • hook.tap(name: string, callback: Function | Promise<any>)

      Add callback at current hook event.

      name could be any string for event description.

    • hook.untap(name?: string)

      Remove callback list whose name equals name.

      When name is blank, clear callback list.

    • hook.flush(type?: sync | waterfall | paralle, initData?: any, paralleLimit = 3)

      Run all callbacks.

      • sync (default)

        run callbacks one next one.

      • waterfall

        run callbacks one next none.

        and previous returned value will be parameter of next callback.

      • paralle

        run all callbacks at the same time.

      • paralle-sync

        run callbacks by sync sequences:

        [ callback1, callback2, cakkback3 ]
        [ callback4, ... ]
    • hook.beforeFlush(callback) and hook.afterFlush(callback)

      regist callback before and after flush.

      callback should be a Function with return type any | Promise<any>.


      (async () => {
          hook.beforeFlush(async () => {
              console.log('before flush');
          hook.afterFlush(async () => {
              console.log('after flush');
          await hook.flush();
      // result
      log: before flush
      log: after flush