
About Firebase

  1. Firebase provides a realtime backend for your application.

  2. Creating an application shouldn't be about managing complex infrastructure, it should be more about the problem you are trying to solve.

  3. General Technology Stack - Database, Server, Authentication, API & more + Client Side. But, the users of your product does not care about the backend of your applciation, they only care about how well the application works for them.

  4. Firebase as a Backend: Database - JSON via REST api Realtime - When data is updated in firebase it pushes the data to every device Caching - Caching data on every device for offline usage Auth - Email + Password, All social networks Backend as a Service(BAAS)

Firebase - Python

  1. Firebase Unofficial Python Wrapper - (Dependency - Requests)

    $ sudo pip install requests

    $ sudo pip install python-firebase

    CRUD operations via the API

  2. Create a Firebase Account -> Login & Create your first application.

  3. Firebase Forge - The graphical debugger to view and edit your Firebase data. You can add and modify data directly from the Forge

  4. API - Queries JSON

  5. Chat Application

  6. Useful Resource - Firebase Event Source &