
A GUI based windows application which shows live data of earthquake on world map.

Primary LanguageJava


This project visualizes live Earthquake data over an interactive map. Features include:

  1. Click on an Earthquake marker and it will show you which cities are affected by it
  2. Click on a City marker and the all the earthquakes affecting that city can be seen
  3. Hover over the city or earthquake marker to know more about them (for example - name etc.) image

Languages - Libraries - Resources

  1. Java SE 8
  2. Unfolding Maps - http://unfoldingmaps.org/
  3. Processing - https://processing.org/
  4. Object Oriented Programming in Java - https://www.coursera.org/learn/object-oriented-java


Import this folder in Eclipse ('File' -> 'Import' -> 'Existing Projects into Workspace', Select this folder, 'Finish')

Manual Installation

If the import does not work follow the steps below

  1. Create new Java Project
  2. Copy + Paste all files into project
  3. Add all lib/*.jars to build path
  4. Set native library location for jogl.jar. Choose appropriate folder for your OS;
  5. Add data/ as src