
Depression leaves footprints. My this model takes depression classifier model was trained on 7000 reddit posts. This NLP model takes input text messages of anyone and can diagnose depression with remarkable level of accuracy. An upgrade is currently in progress but until then you can enjoy the wonders of this Natural Language Processing model.

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Depression leaves footprints. My this model takes depression classifier model was trained on 7000 reddit posts. This NLP model takes input text messages of anyone and can diagnose depression with remarkable level of accuracy. An upgrade is currently in progress but until then you can enjoy the wonders of this Natural Language Processing model.

Please note that the methodology used currently cannot be shared until the second version becomes safe to launch as a research paper is currently being written using the same methodology. To ensure confidence and reliability of my model, here are a good number of test cases and their results generated by the AI:

Test case 1: Oh my gosh! Even this comment section is fill with joke's and memes! I can't stop laughing! Good job and thank you guys for making my day even better!

output: not depressed

Test case 2: Every time I feel dried out of my fake smiles I come here and listen to the songs. I know my life is not as hard as a lot of other people's, but it's still overwhelming. I had an alcoholic and abusive dad, but luckily my parents got divorced when I was just 7. My mom is always disappointed in me, even though the youngest should be the favourite. I need to do the work that my older sister doesn't wamt to do because she's lazy, I need to be multi-tasking all the time, I need to get good grades (9 and 10 only), I need to do everything my family wants me to, I have to be a doll and perfect, and yet my family is disappointed in me, and yet I get yelled at everyday for the tiniest mistake, I get hit for every small bad habit that I have or for the slightly bigger mistakes.

output: depressed

Test case 3: is it just me or did mark’s voiceover on the Revenged ending make it so much more dramatic and cool? also i cant believe CTM is two years old.

output: not depressed

Test case 3: is it just me or did mark’s voiceover on the Revenged ending make it so much more dramatic and cool? also i cant believe CTM is two years old.

output: not depressed

Test case 4: i love how mark and jack are both in the game as cameos Jack's bio is kinda wierd and Mark's bio makes reference to his FAILURES in the Try not to laugh challenges. Watching Mark laugh at these games provides me with the same satisfaction as when someone laughs at a funny video you show to them. It’s like my sense of humor is being validated.

output: not depressed

Test case 5: Nothing hurts more when you’re crying at night without making a noise and losing your breath with those silent screams of hurt.I listen to this every time I feel crap or when I go through a break up or when my mental health is going downhill

output: depressed

Test case 6: I'm not enough for my mother. She's always disappointed in me, she never sees my pain, and she always ignores every wish I have unless she isn't mad at me for the moment. I'm never enough for anyone. I stay and cry once some months to let it all out cause I'm too afraid of having someone find out about it. I'm too afraid to tell my friends what I feel. I can see the glare everyone has when they look at me. I'm a nuisance to everyone, and everyone thinks that I'm just acting if I choose to let a little bit of my sadness come out. I feel like I don't deserve all the valuables I have, like nobldy likes me, like nobody trusts me. I hide my pain all day and let the sadness give me a headache for hiding it. But every day I smile at everyone and laugh with them. All this led me to question if I'm even sad, or if I'm even happy. And I already cried so much that I cannot let the frustations I feel out anymore again.