
This Project is basically helpful for all college student who faces some problem in their C++ program , kindly refer this here i provide atmost all program of C++ which should be taught to a college student especially a beginner.

Primary LanguageC++


This Project is basically helpful for all college student who faces some problem in their C++ program , kindly refer this here i provide atmost all program of C++ which should be taught to a college student especially a beginner.

I had not uploaded all basic programs of C++ because basics programs are as similar as the C Programs so in this repository i had mainly focus on the OOPs Concepts , so major programs you will get here will be from the OOPs concepts (i.e, from Classes onwards...).

Note -->

      I am using latest compiler so if you get any error in this code then Kindly first search
      it on Google whether it is a compiler based error or not. 


Hey guys, all the program which is here is only to help students not to make them cheaters . I request you to please try it before atleast two times (try to build logic and think what the question ask) by self,if after your loyal effort,the logic not clicked then only come here and take this as a reference and after understanding it please try it again ,you will surely achieve success .

I had given the code file with name like p001.cpp , p002.cpp , p003.cpp .....so on , so you guys here take the reference which program is behind these names.

  I had  provided output of the program  below in each program file  as comment for reference.


Basics Program

p001.cpp = WAP to read 3 numbers and find its maximum

p002.cpp = WAP to find Factorial of a number

p003.cpp = WAP to read a number and counts a number of digits in it

p004.cpp = WAP to swap 2 numbers using CALL BY VALUE

p005.cpp = WAP to swap 2 numbers using CALL BY POINTERS

p006.cpp = WAP to swap 2 numbers using CALL BY REFERENCE VARIABLE

Program based on Classes ( OOPs ) , friend functions

p007.cpp = WAP that demonstrate Default Arguments in C++

p008.cpp = WAP to check that number is prime or not

p009.cpp = WAP to check that number is Armstrong Number or not

p010.cpp = WAP to find sum of array element

p011.cpp = WAP to develop Mini Calculator

p012.cpp = WAP to perform matrix addition and subtraction by making matrix class

p013.cpp = WAP to perform matrix multiplication by making matrix class.

p014.cpp = Define a class book having following attributes

               Data members:
               Int book_ id
               String book_title
               Int book_cost
               String book_author_name
               Member function:
               Void input_data(); 
               Void print(); 
               read details of n books from user and print them

p015.cpp = WAP to demonstrate the inline Function

p016.cpp = WAP to perform to add private data members of 3 classes using friend function and subtraction as a member function of one class and friend of another class.

p017.cpp = WAP to perform to addition ,subtraction , multiplication , division of private data members of 2 classes using friend class

p018.cpp = WAP to implement function overloading

p019.cpp = WAP to implement new and delete operator

Program based on Constructors , Operator Overloading

p020.cpp = WAP to implement constructor overloading using all type of constructors

p021.cpp = WAP to implement copy constructorr

p022.cpp = WAP to show the use of operator overloading of unary operator using member function as well as friend functiong

p023.cpp = WAP to show the use of operator overloading of binary operator using member function

p024.cpp = WAP to show the use of operator overloading of binary operator using friend function perform sum , sub , multiplication

p025.cpp = WAP to show the sum of matrix using operator overloading as a member function as well as subtraction , multiplication of operator overloading using friend function

p026.cpp = WAP to show the overloading of relatioanl operator.

Program based on Inheritance , Binding and virtual Keyword

p027.cpp = WAP to show how constructors and destructors are invoked in a program when used in inheritance.

p028.cpp = WAP to show the working of default and parameterized constructors in inheritance.

p029.cpp = WAP to show the use of Hybrid Inheritance / virtual Base Class / Multipath / Diamond shape inheritance

p030.cpp = WAP to show the use of function overriding

p031.cpp = WAP to implement static binding

p032.cpp = WAP to implement dynamic binding / virtual function

p033.cpp = WAP to implement Virtual destructor.

p034.cpp = WAP to implement pure virtual function / Abstarct Base Class

File Handling

p035.cpp = WAP to demonstrate reading and writing a text file.

Some Others Questions !!

p036.cpp = WAP to explain concepts of Pointer to derived class .

p037.cpp = WAP to write in a file and read it also by using constructor.

p038.cpp = WAP to write in a file and read it also by using open() function

Template Questions

p039.cpp = WAP which describes about Templates of C++

p040.cpp = WAP to show that templates of c++ can take multiple parameters and explain default parameter concept in it

p041.cpp = WAP to swap two number using the function Template concept

p042.cpp = WAP to show how we can overload Template function.

STL (Standard Template Library)

p043.cpp = WAP to show how we can create vector or array with STL and show push , pop function in it .

p044.cpp = WAP to show how we can insert element in vector or array using iterator with STL and show push , pop function in it .

p045.cpp = WAP to explain each concept of List in STL like inserting element , removing of item , sorting of item , reversing of list , merging of list.

p046.cpp = WAP to explain Maps in STL in C++

p047.cpp = WAP to explain how to use function object in C++ STL
