This project is made up of HTML and CSS only . It was just a banner image which tells that new gym is coming very soon in our locality
In this I had learned the very first step of HTML and CSS i.e understands the use of some tags , adding images , how to use icons ... etc.
Click here to checkout Fito-Fit Gym Fito-Fit Gym
This project is made up of HTML5 and CSS3 only . It was just a banner video which continously running
In this I had learned the video tag of HTML5 and some more styling in CSS i.e understands the hover effect , adding images , how to use favicons.... etc.
Click here to checkout my newly Hotel Hotel
This project is made up of HTML5 and CSS3 only . I had made this because there are many organization which has only web preview of website and they made it in very simple professional way other than this tracky trucks gives the feel of web Resume and CV
In this I had learned how to use pre defined templates of web page which is written in HTML and CSS .
Click here to checkout Tarcky-Trucks-WebPage Tracky Trucks
This project is made up of HTML5 and CSS3 only . I had made this keepimg in my mind that we can come here and hardcore our work what we have to do ...
In this I had learned how to use gradient stuff and line-through on whole todo.
Click here to checkout your Todo Todo
This project is made up of HTML5 and CSS3 and very first time Bootstrap framework is used here! . This is a just one page preview and made this so that I can understand the concept how to use Bootstrap in my file.
In this I had learned how to use Bootstrap framework stuff and how to debug its code and change its styling by inspecting!.
Click here to checkout Technical Landing Technical Landing
This project is made up of HTML5 and CSS3 (additionally with this completed with Bootstrap and Materialize CSS)and from here I started learning JavaScript and hence used a slider and parallax in this Web page
In this I had learned how to use Materialize CSS and how parallax and slider works and whats the importance of data-image-source.
Click here to checkout my Pokemon Company Webpage Pokemon Company
This project again just for self Practicing the HTML and CSS and keeping in mind that i have to make it like in a professionl way
In this I had learned how to make accordion via bootsrap.
Click here to checkout my Yahoo Selling Webpage Yahooo Selling
This project again just for self Practicing the HTML and CSS and keeping in mind that i have to make it like in a professionl way and focus more on design part
In this I had learned how to make pagination.
Click here to checkout my Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard
From This project I started understanding the concept of JavaScript and here the first one what I had learned so far
In this I had learned how to make a clickable event on some button , how to make a function in javascript , hoe to use some mathematics concept and function, using strict javascript , set Time out and set Interval and so on....
Click here to checkout my Random Password Generator Random Password Generator
This project shows the current time using JavaScript Date concepts
I had made this Tocky clock because it not just just shows the time infact its main work other than showing current time is to change the background color according to the value of current time , every second will change the color.
Click here to checkout my TickyClock TickyClock
This project just holds a two way slider, it is quite attractive according to trending world!
In this I had learned how to use the third party plugin in a project
Click here to checkout my ImageSlider ImageSlider
This project is something like a Google Search
In this I had learned how to use the third party plugin in a project and made something like a search menu of Google where states of USA is searched based on the input
Click here to checkout my TypeAhead TypeAhead
This project is intermediate version of TODO application
In this I had learned how to use the third party typed plugin in a project
Click here to checkout my Bonus TODO Bonus Todo
This project is made up of ParticleJS with Typed plugin
In this I had learned how to use the third party typed plugin in a project as well as Prticle JS and made an INDIAN FLAG using these library and also learned how to write a JQuery and understands its concepts.
Click here to checkout an Indian Flag INDIAN FLAG
This is a complete fully responsive coffee shop webpage
In this I had concluded all the concepts from very basic of HTML to javascript , jquery also uses CSS processors SASS for better styling code and connect all these with gulp.