
This repository is basically helpful for all college student who faces some problem in their written program , kindly refer this here i try my best to provide atmost all that program of Python which should be given to student to execute it during LAB Periods.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is basically helpful for all college student who faces some problem in their written program , kindly refer this here i try my best to provide atmost all that program of Python which should be given to student to execute it during LAB Periods.


Hey guys, all the program which is here is only to help students not to make them cheaters . I request you to please try it before atleast two times (try to build logic and think what the question ask) by self,if after your loyal effort,the logic not clicked then only come here and take this as a reference and after understanding it please try it again ,you will surely achieve success .

I had given the code file with name like p001.py,p002.py,p003.py .....so on , so you guys here take the reference which program is behind these names.

I had provided output of the program below in each program file as comment for reference.



p001.py = WAP to enter a decimal number and display its binary , hex, octa equivalents and also its Square root.

p002.py = WAP to read and print values of variables of different data type

p003.py = WAP to calculate area of triangle by Heron's Formula

p004.py = WAP to calculate distance between two points

p005.py = WAP to perform addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , floor division , modulus of int data type

p006.py = WAP to perform addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , floor division , modulus of float data type

p007.py = WAP to demonstrate the use of Relational Operators

p008.py = WAP to calculate area of a circle

p009.py = WAP to print digits at one's place

p010.py = WAP to calculate average of 2 numbers and its deviation

Program based on Functions , loops , conditionals , strings

p011.py = WAP to add and subtract two integer type data using Functions

p012.py = WAP to explain concepts of global , scope , local variable

p013.py = WAP to write a Recursive function of Factorial

p014.py = WAP to write a Recursive function of Fibonnacci Series

p015.py = WAP to demonstrate the use of Lambda Function

p016.py = WAP to show various types of functions in Python

p017.py = WAP of args and kwargs

p018.py = WAP of two integer numbers which return their product and if the product is greater than 1000, then return their sum

p019.py = WAP of string, display only those characters which are present at an even index number. For example str = "computer" so you should display ‘c’, ‘m’, ‘u’, ‘e’.

p020.py = WAP to Reverse a given number and return true if it is the same as the original number.

p021.py = WAP to Print downward Half-Pyramid Pattern with Star (asterisk)

              * * * *
              * * *
              * *

p022.py = WAP to Print the following pattern using for loop

              5 4 3 2 1
              4 3 2 1
              3 2 1
              2 1

p023.py = WAP to Display -10 to -1 using for loop.

p024.py = WAP to Display Fibonacci series up to 10 terms using loop.

p025.py = WAP of loop to find the factorial of any number

p026.py = WAP to Given a string of odd length greater 7, return a string made of the middle three chars of a given String

p027.py = WAP to Count all lower case, upper case, digits, and special symbols from a given string

Program based on Lists and Dictionary and Tupples

p028.py = WAP to find smallest number in a list

p029.py = WAP to find second largest number in a list

p030.py = WAP to count Even and Odd numbers in a List

p031.py = WAP to Remove multiple elements from a list in Python

p032.py = WAP to multiply all the items in a list

p033.py = WAP to sort (ascending and descending) a dictionary by value

p034.py = WAP to create a tuple with different data types

p035.py = WAP to print sum of all the numbers in a list

More Program based on Functions :-

p036.py = WAP of function calculation() such that it can accept two variables and calculate their addition and subtraction. And also it must return both addition and subtraction in a single return call

p037.py = WAP to Create a function showEmployee() in such a way that it should accept employee name, and it’s salary and display both, and if the salary is missing in function call it should show it as 9000

p038.py = WAP to create a function func1() such that it can accept a variable length of arguments and print all argument values

p039.py = WAP of recursive function to calculate sum of numbers from 0 to 10

p040.py = WAP of recursive function to calculate factorial of numbers

p041.py = WAP of recursive function to display fibonaaci series upto N terms

p042.py = WAP to create a function that accepts a string and calculates number of uppercase and lowercase letters.

p043.py = WAP to write a python function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not.

Miscellaneous Programs:

p044.py = WAP to check the validity of a password given by the user using

regular expressions. The Password should satisfy the following criteria:
a) Contain at least 1 letter between a and z
b) Contain at least 1 number between 0 and 9
c) Contain at least 1 letter between A and Z
d) Contain at least 1 character from $, #, _, @
e) Minimum length of password: 8
f) Maximum length of password: 20

p045.py = WAP to generate a dictionary that contains numbers ranging from 1 to n as keys

and the values are cube of keys. Prompt the user to enter the value of n.

p046.py = WAP to show the use of enumerate function.

p047.py = WAP to show the use of Join function.

p048.py = WAP to show the use of Map , Filter , Reduce in Python.

p049.py = WAP to show the use of Decorator in Python.

p050.py = Write a first class program in Python.

p051.py = WAP to explain the use of Instance variable and Class Variable in Python.

p052.py = WAP to show the use of self and init (constructors) in Python.

p053.py = WAP to demonstrate class Methods in Python.

p054.py = WAP to demonstrate class Methods as Alternative Constructors in Python.

p055.py = WAP to demonstrate static Methods in Python.