EfficientNetB0 Deep Learning is a Python package designed to facilitate the training and evaluation of deep learning models using the EfficientNetB0 architecture for image classification tasks.
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation: https://effnetb0-deep-learning.readthedocs.io
- Model Training: Train models on custom datasets with the ability to fine-tune parameters.
- Pre-trained Weights: Utilize pre-trained weights for improved performance on image classification tasks.
- Model Evaluation: Assess model performance with various metrics including accuracy and loss graphs.
- Logging: Track training progress and performance metrics through detailed logs.
- Custom Dataset Handling: Easily manage datasets with support for structured training, validation, and testing splits.
To install the required packages, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To extract all the video frames from the acquired deepfake datasets and save them as individual images for further processing, run:
python 00-convert_video_to_image.py
To extract faces from the deepfake images, use the pre-trained MTCNN model from the following GitHub repository:
Run the following command:
python 01a-crop_faces_with_mtcnn.py
We need to split the dataset into training, validation, and testing sets (for example, in the ratio of 80:10:10) as the final step in the data preparation phase. Run:
python 02-prepare_fake_real_dataset.py
We use EfficientNet as the backbone for model training, treating the deepfake detection task as a binary classification problem applicable to both video and image content.
In this code implementation, we modified the EfficientNet B0 model by:
- Changing the initial input layer to accept 128x128 images with a depth of 3.
- Connecting the last convolutional output to a global max pooling layer.
- Adding two fully connected layers with ReLU activations.
- Utilizing a Sigmoid activation in the output layer to act as a binary classifier.
Thus, the model is expected to produce an output between 0 and 1 for a colored square image, indicating the probability of the image being either a deepfake (0) or genuine (1). Run the following command to start training:
python 03-train_cnn.py