
3D multiplayer cooperative game made for the Ubisoft Game Labs competition (Unity C#)

Primary LanguageMathematica


The Longest Hour is a 3d multiplayer cooperative game created for the Ubisoft Game Labs Competition 2017. The game was built in Unity by a team of 5 students in 10 weeks.


The Ubisoft Game Labs is an inter university competition hosted by ubisoft Montreal.

Teams of up to 8 students were tasked to create a game based around the thematic "Playing With Time" with the following requirements

Several requirements were set for the game

  • Completely 3D game
  • Provide a connected multiplayer experience for two players, online or local (LAN).
  • Present an asymmetrical game design offering different experiences.
  • Include real-time interactions between players that provide feedback and have an impact on their experience.
  • Include at least one element of artificial intelligence in the gameplay that helps and/or is detrimental to the players.


  • Elie Harfouche - Progammer
  • Gurshane Sidhu - Programmer/Team Lead
  • Monica Pabin - Programmer
  • Marc Jarvis - Programmer/3D Artist/Animator
  • Dedie Kanda - Programmer/Designer

Special thanks to our mentors from Ubisoft Montreal.


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