- 4
- 8
Do you think about using rxjava?
#44 opened by Rainer-Lang - 1
RuntimeException with 2 or more presenters
#91 opened by jaimegc - 17
Error when running a signed APK
#92 opened by pinicius - 1
provide a proguard rules
#83 opened by loki666 - 0
Create a Realm Data Source
#24 opened by flipper83 - 0
Add realm migration DB
#32 opened by flipper83 - 0
Review Repository/PaginatedRepository use.
#34 opened by pedrovgs - 0
Add Activity extra injection library
#9 opened by Serchinastico - 9
Move DI to dagger 2
#8 opened by Serchinastico - 0
Service injection
#7 opened by Serchinastico - 0
Rosie should also provide the current activity as it does with the Context by injection
#4 opened by Serchinastico - 0
Create base class for custom views
#6 opened by Serchinastico - 2
Release 2.1.1 - ButterKnife changes
#86 opened by jcdom - 1
- 2
Stabilize Travis-CI builds
#82 opened by pedrovgs - 2
Searching in repositories
#81 opened by lujop - 3
Reflection Performance
#80 opened by erikjhordan-rey - 1
- 1
Extract caching logic from
#77 opened by RPallas92 - 10
- 1
Uses cases from sync service (question)
#76 opened by pinicius - 1
- 1
Remove ButterKnife and Renderers library.
#70 opened by pedrovgs - 5
I have another question, How can I include third library in my arr like your rosie?
#71 opened by h3clikejava - 5
Communication between presenters
#65 opened by pinicius - 4
- 4
Extending RosieApplication
#59 opened by sargunv - 3
#60 opened by sargunv - 6
Feedback from DroidsOnRoids
#48 opened by pedrovgs - 0
Update Renderers version to 3.0.0.
#36 opened by pedrovgs - 0
Improve ``PresenterLifeCycleLinker`` public API.
#51 opened by pedrovgs - 1
Add support for persistency
#50 opened by pakoito - 2
#46 opened by sargunv - 1
Add instrumentation tests
#2 opened by Serchinastico - 2
- 0
Finish documentation
#23 opened by Serchinastico - 1
- 3
Review copyright/license usage.
#1 opened by pedrovgs - 1
- 4
Use a Page object to define pages
#27 opened by Serchinastico - 1
Rethink use cases
#14 opened by Serchinastico - 0
New error system
#15 opened by Serchinastico - 0
Add documentation & create the
#12 opened by Serchinastico - 0
Review code visibility modifiers to avoid problems with the library usage
#10 opened by Serchinastico - 0
Rethink repositories
#13 opened by Serchinastico