
Beautify your termux with this tool

Primary LanguageShell


[+] Created By KasRoudra

[+] Decription :

StylishTermux is a tool to change theme and style of your termux. Here I am providing official powerlevel10k theme, zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autosuggestion plugin.

[+] Installation

git clone https://github.com/KasRoudra/stylishtermux

cd stylishtermux

chmod +x *

bash install.sh

Or, Use Single Command

git clone https://github.com/KasRoudra/stylishtermux && cd stylishtermux && chmod +x * && bash install.sh


Before Styling:

After Styling:

[+] Use "p10k configure" for your own theme customization

Use "removeall" to remove themes and plugins, "bash ~/stylishtermux/update.sh" to update

[+] Find Me on :

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