Build a functioning e-commerce REST API using Express, Node.js and Postgres
Allow users to register and log in via the API
Allow CRUD operations on products
Allow CRUD operations on user accounts
Allow CRUD operations on user carts
Allow a user to place an order
Allow CRUD operations on orders
Document the API using Swagger
- PostgreSQL - Open source object-relational database system
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- Express.js - Web application framework for Node.js
- bcrypt - Password hashing library for Node.js
- connect-session-knex - Module for allowing express-session to use Knex to store the session in the postgres database.
- cors - Express.js middleware for enabling CORS
- Dotenv - Module for loading environment variables from a .env file
- express-session - Express.js framework for managing session middleware
- googleapis - Node.js library supporting authorization and authentication with OAuth 2.0.
- Helmet.js - Node.js module for securing HTTP headers
- Knex - SQL query builder for SQL based databases
- morgan - Express.js middleware for server logging.
- multer - Express.js middleware for uploading files.
- Passport.js - Express.js middleware for user authentication.
- rate-limiter-flexible - Express.js middleware for limiting requests to the server helping prevent DDOS and password brute forcing attacks.
- Stripe - Module for processing payment intents and interacting with the Stripe API
- Repository: https://github.com/Kashi754/e-commerce-API
- Front End Repository: https://github.com/Kashi754/e-commerce-app-frontend
- Api Documentation: https://e-commerce-app-frontend-e50n.onrender.com/docs
- Live Link: https://e-commerce-app-frontend-e50n.onrender.com
Backend may take up to a minute to respond on first page load/request due to the Render service suspending the api during periods of no use.
- User credentials:
- Username: user
- Password: password -Admin credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: password
- GitHub: @Kashi754
- Website: kashi754.com