
Fictional Website from scratch to practice JS concepts and have fun.

Primary LanguageCSS

Creating a fictional CyberWare website from scratch to practice JS concepts and knowledge.

Using similar AWS services to previous projects to better understand them

Hosted on AWS S3 bucket.

Website is using the AWS Cloudfront service for a CDN. Redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS for secure conn.

This is the bucket's direct Endpoint "http://project-cyberware.s3-website.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com" which is blocked. CDN is linked below.

WEBSITE FULLY ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CDN: "http://d24yr5j6bukzc9.cloudfront.net"

(ALL AWS SERVICES ARE DISABLED, Hosting on netlify only)

It's hosted on netlify as well - "https://proj-cyberware.netlify.app"

Learned how to:

1.) Practicing multiple JS concepts in real time website building.

(All used AWS services expire around end of 2021 for this project)