Pinned Repositories
It's an one to one chat app built using firebase. You can send friend requests and then chat with your friends. Complex database queries are used in retrieving data as pagination is used in chat to enhance speed.
Landing page for Cinopsys: Movie & TV Show tracker
Gesture recognition via CNN. Implemented in Keras + Tensorflow/Theano + OpenCV
This app reminds you to drink water whenever your mobile phone is on charging. It checks whether you are charging or not and then sends you notification through a scheduled job to hydrate.
A simple MS Paint like web app which allows multiple users to edit the SVG at same time.
It's a group chat application. You just have to sign-in and start chatting, you can also share images and access all your chats offline too, by swiping left or right you can delete messages.
Simple shake and beep app, similar to the one present in Rick and Morty's season 4
Movie App built with Android architecture components (LiveData, ViewModel, Room, Paging) and repository pattern.
TheNetwork is a blog cum chat app. It's completely built using firebase. Users can post, comment, like and bookmark the blogs, also users can send follow requests to connect with people. Users can create events and also prepare an event roadmap. Pagination for realtime data is also included in chats, blogs and events.
Simple Movie App with MVP, RxJava2 and Retrofit
Kashish-Sharma's Repositories
Movie App built with Android architecture components (LiveData, ViewModel, Room, Paging) and repository pattern.
TheNetwork is a blog cum chat app. It's completely built using firebase. Users can post, comment, like and bookmark the blogs, also users can send follow requests to connect with people. Users can create events and also prepare an event roadmap. Pagination for realtime data is also included in chats, blogs and events.
Simple Movie App with MVP, RxJava2 and Retrofit
It's a group chat application. You just have to sign-in and start chatting, you can also share images and access all your chats offline too, by swiping left or right you can delete messages.
This app reminds you to drink water whenever your mobile phone is on charging. It checks whether you are charging or not and then sends you notification through a scheduled job to hydrate.
A simple MS Paint like web app which allows multiple users to edit the SVG at same time.
Simple shake and beep app, similar to the one present in Rick and Morty's season 4
It's an one to one chat app built using firebase. You can send friend requests and then chat with your friends. Complex database queries are used in retrieving data as pagination is used in chat to enhance speed.
Landing page for Cinopsys: Movie & TV Show tracker
Gesture recognition via CNN. Implemented in Keras + Tensorflow/Theano + OpenCV
Employee Behaviour Analysis using CNN
Web APIs for Django. 🎸
🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
This app uses google's vision library to analyze your face and based on that gives us various results.Then we use fuzzy data to set thresholds and an appropriate emojy is inserted in the image in place of your face
FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
A File Manager application developed in Kotlin
RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
SheSAFE is a personal security app which can send SOS immediately to the saved contacts by just tapping anywhere on the screen 4 times or clicking volume down thrice in 2 seconds
This app allows you to set geofences and when you enter in 50m radius of those fences your phone goes silent and back to normal when you come out.This app uses Google Places and Location API's.
It's a weather app, which displays real-time weather info based on your location which you can share too. It also sends you scheduled notifications regarding the day's weather info, also you can view descriptive wether details like wind speed, humidity etc.
It's an entertainment website which maintains it's users basic profile,
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development.