Express and Sequelize Mob Programming Session

This is for a mob programming review session for Express/Sequelize. Please fork this to your own repository + follow along :)! Or work on it on your own time.


  1. npm install
  2. createdb culinaryWorld
  3. Follow the instructions to create models in the models/restaurant.js file, and routes in the routes/restaurants.js file.


The model MenuItem has already been created for you. We are going to build out the models/restaurant.js file now with the following requirements:



  • name
    • should be required, cannot be null or an empty string
  • cuisineType
    • should be an enum of allowable options: CHINESE, MEXICAN, KOREAN, INDIAN, AMERICAN - can add more in the future
    • cannot be empty or null
  • rating
    • should be a number up to 2 decimal places between 0 to 5
    • cannot be null
  • numVisits
    • should be an integer, and cannot be null
    • defaults to 0

Virtual Fields

  • description
    • Should return a string that describes what cuisine this restaurant serves.
    • Should be returned in the form of ${} serves ${this.cuisine} food!

Class/Instance Methods

  • findBestBy(rating)
    • A method that finds all the best restaurants that are greater than and including rating.
  • rate(newRating)
    • A method that will change the rating of an instance to newRating and save it to the database.


  • Changing number of visits
    • Write a hook that will increase the number of visits by 1 every time someone makes a change in the database.
    • Which hook would you use? Why?
  • Capitalizing name
    • Write a hook that will change the name field to reflect proper capitalization.
    • = 'restaurant first' should be changed to 'Restaurant First'


  • Restaurant and MenuItem should have a one to many relationship, where Restaurant has many MenuItems.
    • The restaurant's menuItems should be aliased as 'dishes'.



  • GET /restaurants

    • This route should retrieve all restaurants.
  • GET /restaurants/:restaurantId

    • This route should retrieve a single restaurant by id and eagerly load the menu items.
  • POST /restaurants

    • This route should create a new restaurant in the database, and properly capitalize the input for the name field.
    • This route should return a 201 status code and the restaurant.
  • PUT /restaurants/:restaurantId

    • This route should update the restaurant and, if the update includes a rating change, the numVisits field should also be updated.
    • This route should return a 201 status code and the restaurant.
  • DELETE /restaurants/:restaurantId

    • This route should delete a restaurant from the database and send back a 204 status code.