
riack c++ wrapper

Primary LanguageC++


##Status No longer maintained.



Follow the compilation instructions here https://github.com/trifork/riack

Linux or mac

When riack is compiled do a 'sudo make install'.


On windows riack need to be placed in
Headers here:
Library here:
If this is not what you want you can change the paths in src/cmake/Modules/Findriack.cmake
This can be made smart I just have not gotten around to it yet (pull request very welcome).

##Compiling ###linux and mac
move to project folder and do
cmake src/

###Windows In a command prompt move to project folder and do the following if you are using visual studio 10
cmake src/ -G "Visual Studio 10"
This will generate a solution file which can be opened and compiled in Visual Studio 10.

##Usage ###Linux or mac run 'sudo make install' this should install all headers and lib file.

Link your project with libriack++.a or .dylib


and so on as needed.

###Windows Either pull in all the sources to your project or take the .a/.lib and the headers.

##Examples Right now there is no examples, but some simple unit tests in src/tests