
A collection of tools for Python that I created for my personal use.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


1. File Structure

│   .gitignore
│   README.adoc
│   README.pdf
├───.github                     # GitHub CI
│   └───workflows
│           dependencies.txt    # Dependencies for unit tests
│           doc.yml             # Convert README to PDF
│           test.yml            # Run unit tests and coverage
├───python_tools                # Python package
│       debug_tools.py
│       math_tools.py
│       __init__.py
└───test                        # Package containing unit tests

2. Import

import python_tools as pt

3. Debug Tools

Tools that can be used for debugging.

3.1. Debug Wrapper @debug

A debug wrapper that prints some useful information about a function call.

3.1.1. How to use

This wrapper can be used by placing the corresponding decorator above the declaration of the function.

import python_tools as pt

def a_function(x, y, z):

3.1.2. Expected output

--  Function: a_function(x, y, z)
--  Arguments: (1, 2, 3)
--  Returned: None
--  Time elapsed [s]: 0.0

3.2. Timer Wrapper @timer

3.2.1. How to use

This wrapper can be used by placing the corresponding decorator above the declaration of the function.

import python_tools as pt

def a_function(x, y, z):

3.2.2. Expected output

--  Function: a_function(x, y, z)
--  Time elapsed [s]: 0.0

3.3. Run Function and get STDOUT run_fct_get_stdout(fct: callable, *args) → str:

Runs a function and collects stdout during the execution of said function and returns the collected stdout as a string.

3.3.1. How to use

>>> import python_tools as pt

>>> pt.run_fct_get_stdout(print, 'Hello world!')
'Hello world!\n'

4. Math Tools

Tools related to mathematics

4.1. Sum from 1 to n sum_1_n(n: int) → int

This function calculates the sum of all numbers from 1 to n.

4.1.1. Example

>>> import python_tools as pt

>>> pt.sum_1_n(10)

4.2. Lower Triangular Number ltm(n: int) → int

This function returns n if it is a triangular number, or the next lower triangular number.

4.2.1. Example

>>> import python_tools as pt

>>> pt.ltm(16)

4.3. Is Triangular? is_triangular(n: int) → bool

This function checks if a number is triangular.

4.3.1. Example

>>> import python_tools as pt

>>> pt.is_triangular(15)
>>> pt.is_triangular(16)
>>> pt.is_triangular(21)

5. Web Tools

Tools related to the internet and webpages.

5.1. Is Page up is_page_up(url: str) → bool

Tests if a webpage is up (returns 200).

5.1.1. Example

>>> import python_tools as pt

# Test an existing url
>>> pt.is_page_up('https://www.twitter.com/')

# Test an url that doesn't exist
>>> pt.is_page_up('https://www.a1s2d3e5f2c5e4d2f5r1e23c5e1.com/')