
Write beautiful Curriculum Vitae in LaTex. This is a fork that has a few minor changes to the original repo, see README.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

FORK OF: Twenty Seconds Curriculum Vitae in LaTex


made-with-latex MIT license Open Source Love svg3



Toy Résumé with Fontawesome5 Icons (using the document class option icon)

sample résumé

About this FORK

This fork is a derivative of TwentySecondsCurriculumVitae-LaTex created by Carmine Spagnuolo. Mainly the following changes have been made to the original repo:


  • The option no_aboutme has been added
  • The languages are now handled as an option


  • This version uses A4 paper
  • Support for multiple Languages has been added
  • fontawesome has been updated to fontawesome5 that supports fixed-width icons and consists of more icons
  • Some optional blue icons for the sidebar have been added
  • The skill bar graphs have been equipped with icons
  • The alignment of \twentyitem, \twentyitemicon and \twentyitemshort has been changed


The following options are available:

option effect
en The language english will be active.
Thus the content of \en{} will be added to the document
de The language german will be active.
Thus the content of \de{} will be added to the document
icon The package fontawesome5 will be included.
This option is mandatory for this version of the Twenty Seconds CV and thus it will be removed soon.
no_aboutme The about me section in the profile side bar wil not be added to the document.

How to use options

\documentclass[icon, en, no_aboutme, ...]{twentysecondcv}


This feature is still experimental

The desired language for the generated PDF can be set by either adding the option en or de. If neither en nor de has been specified, en will be selected by default.

\documentclass[icon]{twentysecondcv}      % By default \en{} will be added
\documentclass[icon, en]{twentysecondcv}  % English: \en{} will be added
\documentclass[icon, de]{twentysecondcv}  % German: \de{} will be added

Setting one language to true has the effect that either the content of \en{} or \en{} will be used in the generated PDF.

ℹ️ Text outside \en{} or \en{} will just be outputted regardless of the language set, neither of them has to be used.

Supported Languages

At the moment the following languages are supported:

language option usage default
English en \en{}
German de \de{}


The following code snippet either adds 26 November 1865 to the document if the option en or no option has been specified or 1. August 1291 if the option de has been specified.

\cvdate{\en{26 November 1865}\de{1. August 1291}}    % date of birth


  • Support Fontawesome Icons, new class option \documentclass[icon]{twentysecondcv}, using the name of the icon available in the documentation of the package here.
  • The Fontawesome version requires the Fontawesome installed. Notice that the Fontawesome is already available on Overleaf.com.
  • Section with Icon:
  • Twenty icon items environment
    {icon name}
  • Twenty items icon short environment
    {icon name}

Curricula Vitae - Résumés

A curriculum vitae, otherwise known as a CV or résumé, is a document used by individuals to communicate their work history, education and skill set. This is a style template for your curriculum written in LaTex. The main goal of this template is to provide a curriculum that is able to survive the résumés screening of "twenty seconds".

The author assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided and for the obtained résumés.

This is designed for computer scientists but there is no limitation to use it for résumés in other disciplines.

If you like this curriculum, please don't forget to leave a star, to help the development and improvement.

The basic idea is KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid.

In a nutshell "It is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer" -- Occam's razor --

  • This template has been designed to create a "one-page" résumé and is therefore not suitable to create a curriculum of more than one-page.

  • Please do not try to create a curriculum with more than one-page.

How to describe your experiences?

There are many theories about the résumé screening process of "Big" companies. Resume screeners and the interviewers look in your résumé for:

  • Are you smart?
  • Can you code (act for what you apply)?

Anyway according to the guidelines of this template you should use a really simple form to describe each item in your résumé:

Accomplished <X> by implementing <Y> which led to <Z>

Here's an example:

Reduced object rendering time by 75% by applying Floyd's algorithm, leading to a 10% reduction in system boot time.

-- Cracking the Coding Interview, Book, Gayle Laakmann Mcdowell --


This guide will walk you through building your résumé.

Build requirements:

  • LaTex installation.
    • additionals packages:
      • ClearSans, fontenc
      • tikz
      • xcolor
      • textpos
      • ragged2e
      • etoolbox
      • ifmtarg
      • ifthen
      • pgffor
      • marvosym
      • parskip

Build through GNU Make command

Clean your project résumé.

make clean

Build your project résumé.

make all

-- Alternately you can build through your favorite LaTex editor. --

Environment style and list of commands

The style is divided into two parts. The former is the left sidebar: which contains personal information, profile picture, and information about your professional skills. The second part is the body that should contain details about your academic studies, professional experiences and all the information that you want (remember the KISS principle).

The class is \documentclass[icon]{twentysecondcv}, the icon option enable to use Fontawesome package in sections and twenty items. In order to use the icon option, you need to install the Fontawesome package and use the Fontawesome icon name, available in the package documentation here.

Profile environment

These are the commands to set up the profile information.

  • Set up the image profile.

  • Set up your name.

      \cvname{your name}
  • Set up your job profile.

      \cvjobtitle{your job title}
  • Set up your date of birth.

  • Set up your address.

  • Set up your telephone number.

      \cvnumberphone{phone number}
  • Set up your email.

      \cvmail{email address}
  • Set up your personal home page.

      \cvsite{home page address}
  • [optional] Set up your GitHub profile (⚠ requires option icon).

      \cvgithub{GitHub username}
  • [optional] Set up your LinkedIn profile (⚠ requires option icon). Linked in public profile url name can be set up on LinkedIn under Me -> View Profile -> Edit public profile & URL -> Edit your custom URL

      \cvlinkedin{LinkedIn public profile url name}
  • Set up a brief description of you.

      \about{brief description}
  • Set up the skills with chart style. Each skill has to be a {name/value} pair, where the value is a floating-point value between 0 and 6. This is an agreement for the graphics issues, the 0 correspond to a Fundamental awareness while 6 to an Expert awareness level.

      \skills{{name skill1/5.8},{name skill2/4}} 
  • Set up the skills with text style.

      \skillstext{{name skill1/5.8},{name skill2/4}} 

To create the profile, use the command:


Body environment

The body document part is composed of sections. In the sections, you can use two kinds of list items.

The first (Twenty items environment) is intended for a list of detailed information with four parts: Data -- Title -- Place -- Description.

The second (Twenty items short environment) is intended for less information (you can customize this list more easily): Data -- Description.

Sections (also wiht icon)

  • Set up a new section in the body part.

      \section{sction name}
      \section{icon name}{section name}, require the icon option in the document declaration.

Twenty items environment (also wiht icon)


    {icon name}

Twenty items short environment (also wiht icon)


    {icon name}

Other commands

There are two other fun commands: \icon and \round; that enables to wrap the text in oval shape.



The following colors are defined and used by this class:

Name Color Usage
black #000000 black text
white #ffffff white text
gray #4D4D4D
sidecolor #E7E7E7 background of the sidebar
lightgray #999999
green #C2E15F
orange #FDA333
purple #D3A4F9
red #FB0B00
blue #6CE0F1
mainblue #0E5484 section titles & skills bar graphs & circle around icons, \icon{text}
cerulean #007BA7 text color for links
maingray #B9B9B9 section titles
maindarkgray #B3B3B3