Jupyter notebooks used in development of Android malware classification project. If any Jupyter Notebook does not render on your browser, copy and paste the directory's URL to https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/ and it should work fine.
1. Permission-Feature-binary : Standard neural network using Permissions for Binary classification(malware/non-malware).
2. API_Call-Intent_Action-Softmax : Standard neural network using API calls and Intent-Action for Multiclass classification(29 families of malware).
3. Intent-Perm-Binary : Standard neural network using intent-action and permissions paired together for Binary classification(malware/non-malware).
4. Network_Traffic_Binary : Standard neural network using network traffic features for Binary classification(malware/non-malware).
5. Multimodal_Network_Binary : Multimodal neural network using intent-action and permission for Binary classification(malware/non-malware).
6. Multimodal_Network_Softmax : Multimodal Neural Network using API calls and intent-action for Multiclass classification(29 families of malware).