
FE pages for LP & dashboard

Primary LanguageNunjucks


Instruction for installation WSK please read in main repo README.md


There are few commands available to help you build and test sites:


Test run with logs

$ npm run test

Development mode

Watch For Changes & Automatically Refresh Across Devices

$ npm run dev

dev creates the assets folder in the root of the project. This includes linting as well as image, script, stylesheet and HTML optimization. Also, a browsersync script will be automatically generated, which will take care of precaching your sites resources.

Build (production) mode

Serve the Fully Built & Optimized Site

$ npm run build

build creates the production folder in the root of the project with minifying files from assets. It will help you to create clear instances of code for the production or further implementation.

Lint for HTML

$ npm run lint-html

Lint & fix for JS

$ npm run lint-js

lint-js run the separate lint for JS files.
Included in dev and build.

$ npm run fix-js

fix-js run lint and auto-fix (eslint method) for JS files.
Not included in any mode.

Lint for HTML & JS

$ npm run lint


Your folder structure for WSK: If you want to use our WSK, you need to know something about the structure.

├── assets                        #Root folder with project files & folders
  ├── html
     ├── partials                 #Folder for html components, that we can include into the templates
     ├── templates                #Folder for source html templates of pages
  ├── js                          #Folder for storing js files
     ├── modules                  #Folder for storing js modules
     ├── app.js                   #Main js file
  ├── scss
     ├── abstracts                #Folder for storing scss files
        ├── functions.scss        #Sass functions
        ├── helpers.scss          #Sass helpers
        ├── mixins.scss           #Sass mixins
        ├── variables.scss        #Sass variables that we can use in our scss files
     ├── base                     #Folder for storing base styles
        ├── forms.scss            #Sass styles for forms
        ├── main.scss             #Main scss file for base styles
        ├── reset.scss            #Sass reset
        ├── typography.scss       #Sass styles for text
     ├── components               #Global Reusable Presentational Components
     ├── layout                   #Global layout
     ├── pages                    #Global styles for pages
     ├── styles.scss              #Main scss file (can be used for importing another files)
  ├── system_files                #Folder with system files
  ├── tasks                       #Folder with tasks for gulpfile
  ├── vendor_entries              #Folder for vendor entries (plugins)
    ├── vendor.scss               #File for plugins styles
  ├── .babelrc                    #Config for Babel
  ├── .browserslistrc             #Config for autoprefixer
  ├── .editorconfig               #Config file for IDE
  ├── .eslintignore               #Eslint ignore list
  ├── .eslintrc                   #Config for eslint
  ├── .gitattributes              #Git config for defining attributes per path
  ├── .gitignore                  #Git ignore list
  ├── gulp-config.js              #Config for gulp
  ├── gulpfile.js                 #File with gulp tasks
  ├── package.json                #File with dependencies
  └── README.md
├── public                        #Folder with files after compiling
  ├── css                         #Folder with compiled styles
  ├── js                          #Folder with compiled js
  ├── custom-folder               #Folder with your sources, witch are not compiling (like - images, fonts, videos, audios)
  └── index.html                  #Compiled html file

In package.json you can find all the dependencies. In assets folder (web-starter-kit after renaming) you can find all sources for the project.
In public folder (created after running gulp) you will find compiled files. And in public folder you will put your custom folders with sources (like - images, fonts, videos, audios).

Use assets/js/modules to add your javascript modules (don't forget to include it in app.js), assets/scss folder to add your styles for the project. You can create, delete files and folders in assets/scss, but don't forget to include them in assets/scss/styles.scss file.

Use assets/vendor_entries to include plugins into your project.