
Make easy way for filtering data with URLSearchParams & different types of inputs, selects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Filtering data with < input >, < select > & URLSearchParams

Make easy way for filtering data with URLSearchParams & different types of inputs, selects.


release license requests

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A simple demo of usage filter-dom-url

See the code of an example - HTML, JS


Supported DOM elements types

For tag input:

<input type="..."> - ['checkbox', 'radio', 'color', 'range', 'date', 'month', 'week', 'time']

For tag select:

<select> & <select multiple>

HTML structure

Minimal structure for filter-dom-url initializing:

<form data-filter-form="form-example">
  <input value="value-example" data-filter="type-example" type="checkbox">


Install package from npm and import:

import Filter from '@kassaila/filter-dom-url';

or copy file or file.min to your project and import:

import Filter from 'dist/filter-dom-url';


Create Filter instance:

const filterExample = new Filter({
  formAttr: 'data-filter-form="form-example"',
  filterAttr: 'data-filter',


Parameter Type Arguments Description
init() function - Instance initialization
updateDom() function - Update DOM elements (filters) from URL
setFiltersToUrl(newUrl) function newUrl - object (URL prototype). Base page URL, you can set from window.location Set URLSerchParams to your page URL
getFilters() function - Get object with filters data - { filter-type: ['filter-value'] }