
Docker registry v2 client in Python

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Python module and command-line tool for storing and retrieving data in a Docker registry.

  • Store arbitrary data (blob-store)
  • Content addressable
  • Set up named aliases to blobs
  • Supports Docker registry schemas v1 and v2
  • Works on Python 2.7 and 3.6

Please note that dxf does not generate Docker container configuration, so you won't be able to docker pull data you store using dxf. See this issue for more details.

Command-line example:

dxf push-blob fred/datalogger logger.dat @may15-readings
dxf pull-blob fred/datalogger @may15-readings

which is the same as:

dxf set-alias fred/datalogger may15-readings $(dxf push-blob fred/datalogger logger.dat)
dxf pull-blob fred/datalogger $(dxf get-alias fred/datalogger may15-readings)

Module example:

from dxf import DXF

def auth(dxf, response):
    dxf.authenticate('fred', 'somepassword', response=response)

dxf = DXF('registry-1.docker.io', 'fred/datalogger', auth)

dgst = dxf.push_blob('logger.dat')
dxf.set_alias('may15-readings', dgst)

assert dxf.get_alias('may15-readings') == [dgst]

for chunk in dxf.pull_blob(dgst):


The module API is described here.

The dxf command-line tool uses the following environment variables:

  • DXF_HOST - Host where Docker registry is running.
  • DXF_INSECURE - Set this to 1 if you want to connect to the registry using http rather than https (which is the default).
  • DXF_USERNAME - Name of user to authenticate as.
  • DXF_PASSWORD - User's password.
  • DXF_AUTHORIZATION - HTTP Authorization header value.
  • DXF_AUTH_HOST - If set, always perform token authentication to this host, overriding the value returned by the registry.
  • DXF_PROGRESS - If this is set to 1, a progress bar is displayed (on standard error) during push-blob and pull-blob. If this is set to 0, a progress bar is not displayed. If this is set to any other value, a progress bar is only displayed if standard error is a terminal.
  • DXF_BLOB_INFO - Set this to 1 if you want pull-blob to prepend each blob with its digest and size (printed in plain text, separated by a space and followed by a newline).
  • DXF_CHUNK_SIZE - Number of bytes pull-blob should download at a time. Defaults to 8192.
  • DXF_SKIPTLSVERIFY - Set this to 1 to skip TLS certificate verification.
  • DXF_TLSVERIFY - Optional path to custom CA bundle to use for TLS verification.

You can use the following options with dxf. Supply the name of the repository you wish to work with in each case as the second argument.

  • dxf push-blob <repo> <file> [@alias]

    Upload a file to the registry and optionally give it a name (alias). The blob's hash is printed to standard output.

    The hash or the alias can be used to fetch the blob later using pull-blob.

  • dxf pull-blob <repo> <hash>|<@alias>...

    Download blobs from the registry to standard output. For each blob you can specify its hash, prefixed by sha256: (remember the registry is content-addressable) or an alias you've given it (using push-blob or set-alias).

  • dxf blob-size <repo> <hash>|<@alias>...

    Print the size of blobs in the registry. If you specify an alias, the sum of all the blobs it points to will be printed.

  • dxf mount-blob <repo> <from-repo> <hash> [@alias]

    Cross mount a blob from another repository and optionally give it an alias. Specify the blob by its hash, prefixed by sha256:.

    This is useful to avoid having to upload a blob to your repository if you know it already exists in the registry.

  • dxf del-blob <repo> <hash>|<@alias>...

    Delete blobs from the registry. If you specify an alias the blobs it points to will be deleted, not the alias itself. Use del-alias for that.

  • dxf set-alias <repo> <alias> <hash>|<file>...

    Give a name (alias) to a set of blobs. For each blob you can either specify its hash (as printed by push-blob or get-alias) or, if you have the blob's contents on disk, its filename (including a path separator to distinguish it from a hash).

  • dxf get-alias <repo> <alias>...

    For each alias you specify, print the hashes of all the blobs it points to.

  • dxf del-alias <repo> <alias>...

    Delete each specified alias. The blobs they point to won't be deleted (use del-blob for that), but their hashes will be printed.

  • dxf list-aliases <repo>

    Print all the aliases defined in the repository.

  • dxf list-repos

    Print the names of all the repositories in the registry. Not all versions of the registry support this.

  • dxf get-digest <repo> <alias>...

    For each alias you specify, print the hash of its configuration blob. For an alias created using dxf, this is the hash of the first blob it points to. For a Docker image tag, this is the same as docker inspect alias --format='{{.Id}}'.


If your registry uses SSL with a self-issued certificate, you'll need to supply dxf with a set of trusted certificate authorities.

Set the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable to the path of a PEM file containing the trusted certificate authority certificates.

Both the module and command-line tool support REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE.

Alternatively, you can set the DXF_TLSVERIFY environment variable for the command-line tool or pass the tlsverify option to the module.

Authentication tokens

dxf automatically obtains Docker registry authentication tokens using your DXF_USERNAME and DXF_PASSWORD, or DXF_AUTHORIZATION, environment variables as necessary.

However, if you wish to override this then you can use the following command:

  • dxf auth <repo> <action>...

    Authenticate to the registry using DXF_USERNAME and DXF_PASSWORD, or DXF_AUTHORIZATION, and print the resulting token.

    action can be pull, push or *.

If you assign the token to the DXF_TOKEN environment variable, for example:

DXF_TOKEN=$(dxf auth fred/datalogger pull)

then subsequent dxf commands will use the token without needing DXF_USERNAME and DXF_PASSWORD, or DXF_AUTHORIZATION, to be set.

Note however that the token expires after a few minutes, after which dxf will exit with EACCES.

Docker Cloud authentication

You can use the dockercloud library to read authentication information from your Docker configuration file and pass it to dxf:

auth = 'Basic ' + dockercloud.api.auth.load_from_file()
dxf_obj = dxf.DXF('index.docker.io', repo='myorganization/myimage')
dxf_obj.authenticate(authorization=auth, actions=['pull'])

Thanks to cyrilleverrier for this tip.


pip install python-dxf



Other projects that use DXF



This package allows you to transfer Docker images from one registry to another. The second one being disconnected from the internet.

Unlike docker save and docker load, it creates the payload directly from the registry (it's faster) and is able to compute diffs to only take the layers needed, hence reducing the size.


make test


make lint

Code Coverage

make coverage

coverage.py results are available here.

Coveralls page is here.