ORM Concept with Hibernate - Assignment

This repository contains the source code and configuration files for the Hibernate Assignment on ORM Concepts. The assignment is divided into two parts: Part 1 covers CRUD operations on a single entity (Book), and Part 2 focuses on relationships between entities (Book and Author) using Hibernate.

Part 1: CRUD Operations on a Single Entity


The objective of Part 1 is to assess the student's ability to use Hibernate for performing CRUD operations on a single entity (Book). Students will focus on the Book entity and its associated attributes.


  1. Set up a Java project and configure Hibernate with a suitable database (e.g., MySQL, H2) for this assignment.
  2. Create the necessary Java classes representing the Book entity with appropriate annotations for mapping.
  3. Implement the following CRUD operations for the Book entity:
    • Create a new book and save it to the database.
    • Retrieve a book by its ID from the database.
    • Update an existing book's attributes (e.g., title, ISBN) and save the changes to the database.
    • Delete a book from the database.
  4. Test the CRUD operations to ensure they are working correctly by using a simple console-based application.

Part 2: Relationships between Entities (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many)


The objective of Part 2 is to assess the students' understanding of creating and managing various types of relationships between entities using Hibernate. The students will work with two entities: Book and Author.


  1. Create the necessary Java classes representing the Book and Author entities with appropriate annotations for mapping.
  2. Implement the following relationships between entities using Hibernate annotations:
    • One-to-One: Each book can have only one author. Update the Book entity to have a one-to-one relationship with the Author entity.
    • One-to-Many: Each author can have multiple books. Update the Author entity to have a one-to-many relationship with the Book entity.
    • Many-to-Many: Each book can have multiple authors, and each author can have multiple books. Implement a many-to-many relationship between the Book and Author entities.
  3. Implement the following tasks related to relationships:
    • Save the Author entity independently, and then associate it with the corresponding Book using the one-to-one relationship.
    • Save the Book entities independently, and then associate each book with its respective Author using the one-to-many relationship.
    • Implement the many-to-many relationship by introducing a join table (association table) to manage the relationship between Book and Author entities. Save Book and Author entities independently, and then associate them using the many-to-many relationship.
  4. Test the relationships by creating authors and books, ensuring that the relationships are correctly maintained.
  • A README.md file providing a brief description of the assignment, instructions on how to run the application, and any important notes.
  • Instructions to Run the Application:

    1. Clone or download this GitHub repository to your local machine.
    2. Set up a suitable database (e.g., MySQL, H2) and configure the database connection details in the project's configuration files.
    3. Build and run the Java project.
    4. The console-based application will guide you through testing the CRUD operations and entity relationships.

    Important Notes:

    • Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your machine.
    • Make sure the required dependencies (e.g., Hibernate) are added to the project.
    • Double-check the database configuration to ensure proper connectivity.
    • Follow the best practices for code organization and documentation.