
Scripts to retrieve data from hackerrank. (Includes plagiarism checker for contests)

Primary LanguagePython

Since the hackerrank platform seems to be buggy and does not have some features, had to write custom scripts to get some things done in a recent contest we held. (ReidExtreme 3.0)

These scripts calls the hackerrank REST api using the cookie extracted from the browser.


  • plagiarism - Downloads all submissions and cross check them for plagiarims. (Hackerrank does not have a built in checker)
  • leaderboard - Get all submission data and creates a leaderboard. (At the time of writing there is a bug that causes partial marks to not appear in the leaderboard)


  • Create a .env file with the same format as .env.sample
  • Get the cookie header from hakerrank api reqiests. (Network tab in chrome dev tools)
  • set the cookie in .env
  • run a sample


Util functions have docstrings and main scripts aren't that complex. To add a functianality, find the endpoint to get relevent data and use the get_response from utils.

Good Luck!