
Turing - Mod3, 0week - intermission work - launch to heroku

Primary LanguageRuby


Image description

Little Shop (Version 2)

Little shop is a replication of an e-commerce site. On this site, users can be visitors, consumers, merchants, and admins. Users are required to register in order to shop at this online store. They are able to shop via an item list, add items to a cart, and checkout. Merchants are then able to log in, and fulfill their orders. Admin have complete control over Merchants and their items. Admin are able to enable and disable merchants and their items, whereas Merchants are just able to control their items. Admin are also the only ones that are able to upgrade/downgrade a registered user to a merchant, and vice versa. All users have access to most, if not all aspects of CRUD.

The user experience should be dull, but every user will be thoroughly impressed with the logic that was implemented by four 10-week-old coders.

Contributors: Kate, Quinn,Tim,Meghan

Getting Started

To run this application locally, clone this repo and follow the steps below:

$ bundle

$ rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

Start up your rails server with rails s and open localhost:3000 in your browser.


Rails Version 5.1 Ruby Version: 2.4

Running Tests

Run rspec to run the test suite

More Information

User Stories- https://github.com/turingschool-projects/little_shop_v2