
Scripts for common tasks w/ the asana API

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Get a personal access token (Quick Start, see 'Authentication')
  2. Set an environment variable: export ASANA_ACCESS_TOKEN='<accesstoken>'

1on1 Add Task

Define a task title & body, create copies of that task in multiple 1 on 1 projects.


  • use command line option --dry-run to see which projects would have tasks added w/o actually adding them.
  • prompt user for task title & description
  • add task to all projects, to all projects for a given team, or prompt the user to add to each project
  • assign to me, to other member of 1:1 project, or to no one

Usage: Create a file called oneononeprojects.py that contains an array of objects in this format:

projects = [
     { 'name': 'KateTest',         # user-friendly name
       'id': '<projectId>',        # string, project id
       'userid': '<userEmail>',    # string, email address of the other user who should be assigned tasks in this project
       'group': 'self'},           # group name. 

python 1on1_add_task.py


python 1on1_add_task.py --dry-run


Quick Start: https://asana.com/developers/documentation/getting-started/quick-start

python library: https://github.com/Asana/python-asana/

Documentation: https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/tasks#create