Babysitter Kata


  • Node 10.15.2 or greater
  • Yarn 1.17.3 or greater

Run Tests

From the terminal/command line:

cd kata-babysitter

yarn install

yarn test # runs unit tests

yarn cucumber # runs cucumber tests


This kata simulates a babysitter working and getting paid for one night. The rules are pretty straight forward.


As a babysitter
In order to get paid for 1 night of work
I want to calculate my nightly charge


The babysitter:

  • starts no earlier than 5:00PM
  • leaves no later than 4:00AM
  • only babysits for one family per night
  • gets paid for full hours (no fractional hours)
  • should be prevented from mistakes when entering times (e.g. end time before start time, or outside of allowable work hours)

The job:

  • Pays different rates for each family (based on bedtimes, kids and pets, etc...)
  • Family A pays $15 per hour before 11pm, and $20 per hour the rest of the night
  • Family B pays $12 per hour before 10pm, $8 between 10 and 12, and $16 the rest of the night
  • Family C pays $21 per hour before 9pm, then $15 the rest of the night
  • The time ranges are the same as the babysitter (5pm through 4am)


  • Calculate total pay, based on babysitter start and end time, and a family.


Unknown Family

If a baby sitter is asked to baby sit for an unknown family the default rates below will be used:

Default rates: $20 per hour regardless of time


Code Coverage

Code coverage has been added however the coverage tool seems to think that a branch hasn't been covered in a file with no branching logic. Not sure why this is happening.

You can run code coverage using:

yarn nyc ava