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Copy-Number-aware Differential Gene Expression (DGE)


The presence of biological signals coming from different omics and affecting gene expression make it desirable to take them into account in DE analysis to provide more comprehensive insight regarding transcriptional patterns of cancer. In differential gene expression analysis between cancer and normal tissues results can be both driven and masked by CNV, thus leading to false positives and false negatives and could have significant impact on downstream analysis.

Metodological design

The focus is to directly integrate Copy Number cancer data into Generalized Linear Model (GLM) to model the mean and of gene counts using Negative Binomial distribution as a log linear function of the covariates. The model assumes the linear relationship between the CN and expected mean.

$K \sim NB(mean = \mu_{ij}, dispersion = \alpha_i)$

$\mu_{ij} = s_{j} (\frac{CN_{ij}}{2}) q_{ij}$

$\log(q_{ij}) = \beta_{i0} X_{j0} + \beta_{i1} X_{j1}$

$K_{ij} =$ mRNA counts

$CN_{ij} =$ copy number integers (0,1,2,...,5)

$X_j = [1, X_{j1}] = $ covariate vector (design matrix, including intercept)

$\beta_i = [\beta_{i0}, \beta_{i1}] = $ regression coefficient vector (base level, effect size)

$s_j =$ library size factor

Statistical testing (Wald test):

$H_0 : \beta_{1i} = 0$ vs $H_1: \beta_{1i} \neq 0$


  1. Michael I Love, Wolfgang Huber, and Simon Anders. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for rna-seq data with deseq2. Genome biology, 15(12):1–21, 2014. doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8.

  2. Boris Muzellec, Maria Telenczuk, Vincent Cabeli, and Mathieu Andreux. Pydeseq2: a python package for bulk rna-seq differential expression analysis. bioRxiv, pages 2022–12, 2022. doi:10.1101/2022.12.14.520412.

  3. Anqi Zhu, Joseph G Ibrahim, and Michael I Love. Heavy-tailed prior distributions for sequence count data: removing the noise and preserving large differences. Bioinformatics, 35(12):2084–2092, 2019. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty895.