
In this notebook I work on the question whether the author of a tweet (very short text) can be successfully identified. I try to choose the best classification method its parameters set and features

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



The data used in the experiment are from https://www.kaggle.com/speckledpingu/RawTwitterFeeds It is a dataset of tweets from various active scientists and personalities ranging from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to Neil deGrasse Tyson.


In these notebooks I work on the question whether the author of a tweet (very short text) can be successfully identified. I try to choose the best classification method its parameters set and features

For now only binary classification was applied

Stage 1

In Autorship+attribution+models+evaluation.ipynb I tested several algorithms using cross_val_score with 10-folds and GridSearchCV with default 3 folds cross-validation.

LinearSVC (C=1, char 3-ngrams), SVC with linear kernel (C=1, char 3-ngams), SGDClassifier (alpha: 0.0001, char 3-ngams), Bernoulli Naive Bayes (alpha = 0.001 based on combination of character 3-ngrams, word unigrams and tokenized unigram) All 4 of them returns approximately the same accuracy - 96% (Sometimes it's less for other pairs of authors)

In farther experiments I used Bernoulli Naive Bayes classifier only because on these data all classifiers provides more or less the same results.

Stage 2

POS+tag+vectorization.ipynb is an advanced example of model evaluation with the addition of POS tag vectorization (based on an other column in the data set), using FeatureUnion in a pipeline and GridSearchCV with cross-validation splitting strategy (10 folds in a (Stratified)KFold)

There is also an example of extracting most informative features for the prediction

POS tag vectorizer

I convert the text column in the data set to the string of POS tags and replace the usual POS tag 2-3 chars abbreviations to 1 char abbrevations (e.g. 'NNP' -> 'N', 'NNPS' -> 'O') in order to use CountVectorizer with 'char' analyzer to get the most informative POS tag combinations per author


From the achieved results point of view: 'char and stemmed word' vectorizeres provides good results. The other combinations (with or without POS tag vectorizer) may or may not provide slightly better or worse results.

'char' analyzer provides a perfect result by itself in most cases.

'stemmed word' analyzer is better then the just 'word' analyzer but still worse then the 'char' for most of teh authors But for some pairs (AdamSavage - ScottKelly) it provides better results the the char analyzer and worse then the just 'word'

POS tag vectorizer is not very selective by itself.

Using POS tag vectorizer in combination with 'char and stemmed word' does not improve the score dramatically. Its impact is more visible only for AdamSavage - ScottKelly pair

For most pairs of authors I get 90 - 96% accuracy. I experimented with 500 - 2000 rows rows data sets per author