Purpose: combining hyperscan pattern matching with DPDK allows use of DPI with packet parse-processing functionlities. This especially useful in case of VM or Network functions

pre-requisties:- DPDK - build for target machine HYPERSCAN - build for target machine

note: both dpdk and hyperscan should be build with archive mode.


enviroment variables:- HYPERSCAN_SDK - path to hyperscan build path RTE_SDK - dpdk sdk path RTE_TARGET - dpdk build target path

g++ -O3 -o test node.c main.c -I${HYPERSCAN_SDK}/include/ -I${RTE_SDK}${RTE_TARGET}/include ${HYPERSCAN_SDK}/lib/libhs.a -Wl,--whole-archive -L${RTE_SDK}${RTE_TARGET}/lib/ -L${RTE_SDK}${RTE_TARGET}/lib/libintel_dpdk.a -lrt -ldl -lpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive