Slides and script for a pre-recorded talk Katherine "Kati" Michel (Twitter, GitHub) gave at PyCon US 2021 Maintainers Summit, published Monday, May 10, 2021.
The script is a general outline and varies somewhat from what was said during the talk.
Bringing Pinax Back to Life
Hi everyone
It’s great to be here
My name is Katherine Michel. I also go by Kati
My talk is called “Bringing Pinax Back to Life”
About Me
A little bit about me
I’m a Consultant to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
I work on a project called Simpl… it’s an open-source Python/Django/React game simulation framework
Stanford Code in Place Section Leader
Pinax Maintainer/Web Developer
DEFNA (Django Events Foundation North America) Board Member
At DEFNA we oversee the high level details of DjangoCon US and Django outreach across North America
DjangoCon US Website Co-Chair
In Summary
My talk is about Pinax
Pinax is an open-source library of reusable Django starter projects, apps, and themes for building websites. When developers began building Pinax in 2007, they had fun adding to it, but eventually Pinax had grown to be around 80 projects and apps.
There was not a strategy in place to make Pinax as easy as possible to maintain. So the maintainers began to suffer burnout.
I was hired to work on Pinax in the fall of 2017. In my talk, I'll outline the critical problems I discovered and the solutions I've implemented to make Pinax healthier and easier to maintain so that maintainers can get more done and contributors can be more easily onboarded.
Time Machine
To better understand this story, we need to go back in time to 2008
Time Machine: 2008
Some Django enthusiasts had formed a group called the “Hot Club of France,” named after Django Reinhardt’s band.
They had found themselves reusing some of the same code patterns while building websites with Django
At the first ever DjangoCon US, James Tauber, one of the original Pinax authors, gave a talk about this new community called Pinax
How It Began
James talked about his own site Quisition
Even though it was a flashcard site, much of its functionality had nothing to do with flashcards
The “Hotclub of France” members had begun to abstract these patterns into reusable starter projects, apps, and themes
As web technologists, they wanted to create a reusable Django library that would make choices and compromises
This would enable them, as website creators, to focus on the features at the top of the stack
Then they could go from website idea to realization more quickly
Fast Forward: 2017
Let’s fast forward to 2017
It had been around 10 years since the Pinax idea had been born
I was hired to work on Pinax
How It Was Going
So what was the state of Pinax by now?
It’s quite common, from the very beginning until now, for people to discover Pinax and say “it’s everything they ever dreamed of”
On this slide is one of the very early tweets about Pinax… someone says “Pinax is every idea I’ve ever had.”
How It Was Going, 80 Project and Apps
By 2017, Pinax had grown to be a large group of professional-quality, interdependent Django projects and apps
This included starter projects with Pinax apps pre-installed and a command line interface to install them
This also includes sophisticated testing, packaging, and continuous integration configurations
The Pinax GitHub organization alone has around 80 repos in it
This slide includes many of the more popular ones
How It Was Going, GitHub Organization, Global Docs, and Slack
In addition to the GitHub organization
Pinax now had a global docs site and a Pinax Slack channel for community and support
There are also app-specific docs in individual repos
How It Was Going, Sustainability Lacking
Without a strategy in place to make Pinax as easy as possible to maintain, the maintainers began to suffer burnout.
By now, many of the original authors had moved on
Sustainability was lacking
Simplified, Self-Service, and Self-Sustaining
The goal in general of my work has been to work to make things simpler and self-service
As a result, newcomers, contributors, and maintainers could help themselves
And therefore, create a culture that could sustain itself
Tribal Knowledge
Problem: Tribal knowledge
Solution: Document the tribal knowledge
The Pinax authors knew how to do things quickly, but the knowledge remained in their heads
In fairness, they were often busy and working quickly to meet deadlines
But… the barrier of entry knowledge-wise was fairly high and the docs were sparse and not beginner friendly
GitHub Open Source Survey
GitHub did an open source survey in 2017 and they found that documentation is...
Highly valued
Often overlooked
And a means for establishing inclusive and accessible communities
Pinax Documentation
For a while, my time was spent just figuring out how things had been done
Then I began to document it…
I started by creating a release plan that explained the “Pinax way of doing things”
Then moved on to creating a global community health file repo filled with default files
This included a Code of Conduct
A community plan
Contributing and support information
Information for Maintainers
And issue and PR templates
Problem: Existing docs difficult to find, duplicated, and inconsistent
Solution: One source of documentation, easy to find, and use
There was some documentation already in existence
But it had been created ad hoc over the years
There were bits of documentation here and there, some forgotten, some private
One Source of Docs
Pinax has a wiki
I organized these historical docs, links, and new release plans in a Pinax wiki
Then a blurb was added to the repo READMEs to make all of the docs more discoverable
Including the global docs, app specific docs, tagged and published releases, support, contributing, and release docs
Including the global docs, wiki, community health files, app specific docs, tagged and published releases, and support, contributing, and release docs
This goes back to the DRY (Don’t repeat yourself principle)... one source of truth
Variations in Configurations
Problem: Variation in configurations
Solution: Choose one configuration approach and implement across projects
A number of people had created and worked on different Pinax projects at different times
Because of this, there was a lot of variation in terms of how things had been done
I can tell you from personal experience that as a newcomer, this made the code collectively harder to understand and more difficult to maintain
One Configuration Approach
After some research, I chose one configuration approach and implemented it across repos
I also detailed it in the release plan
The more consistent the GitHub organization is, the better
Reduce the Backlog
Problem: Lack of engagement with individuals
Solution: Reduce backlog of issues and PRs and catch up with engagement
Engagement with Individuals
Between releases
Over 160 issues closed
Over 100 PRs merged
Over 30 PRs closed
Countless questions answered in issues and Slack
This was quite difficult at times, because many of the issues and PRs were the more difficult ones left outstanding
I began with resolving the lowest hanging fruit issues and PRs knowledge-wise and working my way up
The idea was to reduce the number until the new and existing issues and PRs would be more manageable
Communicate Better
Problem: Lack of engagement with the community
Solution: Write more blog posts about plans and progress, and publicize well
Engagement with Community
I began to write blog posts and tweet about them
The posts might be about Pinax, or some other Django-related activity and I would mention Pinax
People began to become interested in Pinax, telling me that they had heard about Pinax through my writing
It can have a huge benefit to stop and take time to write about the accomplishments and progress of the project and share it with the community
Even if a handful, or even one person, becomes interested and contributes, it can make a major impact
It can also make people aware of the project and gives them social proof that it’s actively being maintained
Problem: Tasks being done manually
Solution: Automate tasks
Automating tasks lowers the risk of burnout
How It's Going: July 2020 Release
In July 2020, based on what I had learned,I oversaw the completion of an important Pinax release.
Around 28 apps were included and we notably dropped support for Python 2.7
It was a huge milestone for me, personally and professionally. Not only did I initiate the release, but I managed the end-to-end process. I created the release plan, oversaw the work of others, updated 10 apps myself, merged all of the PRs, and tagged and published the packages.
How It's Going: 21.05 Release
Pinax is a work in progress and has a lot of room still for improvement
It doesn’t have a sense of community at the moment
It’s time to update the Python/Django test matrix
Automation that was not implemented in the last release can be implemented now
Automation will be implemented (run tox from GitHub Actions, auto-publish to PyPI upon tagging)
The global documentation should be improved
Among other things...
Biggest Lesson Learned
The biggest lesson I’ve learned while working on Pinax is that the latest release succeeded because of my communication and teaching skills
I learned this by accident
My blog posts attracted contributors
The release could not have been completed without the help of these contributors… it would have been too much work and required specialized skill
The release documentation I had written enabled the contributors to help, to mutual benefit
I was thrilled that they were able to use this documentation to complete a large portion of the work, with occasional support from me
This assistance lives in with the next release
Additional Ideas
If you want more ideas, I recommend checking out the GitHub docs for the latest features available
Bring on additional maintainers: selective permissions
Workflow: protect branches, status checks, require review
Automation: GitHub Actions/Apps, Probot
Reduce scope: archive repos, mark repos as deprecated, disable issues
Productivity: GitHub built in functionality (canned responses, notifications management, etc.)
Challenge and Opportunity
In closing...
Pinax has created both fun and frustration
But I’m personally grateful to have found a project like this to work on
By having the freedom to grapple with Pinax, I’ve been able to develop professionally and improve Pinax in the process
I’ve also been take what I’ve learned from Pinax and immediately apply it to other open source situations of any size