Company Publications
- Patterns of Distributed Systems (2023)
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications (2017)
- Building Microservices (2015)
- Building Microservices Intro (2015)
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (2002)
Lamport, et al.
- Consensus on Transaction Commit (2004)
- Paxos Made Simple (2001)
- The Part-Time Parliament (Paxos) (1998)
- The Byzantine Generals Problem
- Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System (1978)
Dean, et al.
- Cassandra: How do I accomplish lightweight transactions with linearizable consistency? (Paxos)
- Raft Consensus Algorithm in ScyllaDB
- Raft is So Fetch (2023)
Relational Databases
CAP Theorem
Storage Engines
LevelDB and RocksDB
Relational Databases
Atomic Clocks
- Living without atomic clocks: Where CockroachDB and Spanner diverge (2016)
- Why Cassandra Doesn’t Need Vector Clocks (2013)
Key-Value Store
Data Storage and Processing
- TAO: Facebook’s Distributed Data Store for the Social Graph (2013)
- Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (2006)
- The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems (2006)
- The Google File System (2003)