Scene It Too? v.2.0

Version 2 Contributors:
Alexandra Perrotta -
Crystal Sills -
Hyun Joo Nam -
Kathryn Parker -

Version 1 Contributors: Alexandra Perrotta, Crystal Sills, Hyun Joo Nam and Kathryn Parker
For more information about Version 1 go to

Search for movies and then save them to your "Scene It" list and your "Ain't Scene It" list.

What's new in version 2.0?

  • Currently - version 1 and 2 are the same.

What's new in version 1.0?

  • Everything

Built With

  • Express
  • Handlebars templates
  • Sequelize
  • Ajax
  • jQuery


npm install

APIs Used


  • Log In Page - Splash screen that prompts a user to log in. Logging is needed to keep track of the user's movie lists.

Log In Page

  • Search Page - A User searches for movies and adds them to either a "Scene It!" or "Ain't Scene It!" list.

Search Page

  • Scene It! Page - A User is able to keep track of movies they have "Scene."

Scene It! List Page

  • Ain't Scene It! Page - A User is able to keep track of movies they "Ain't Scene."

Scene It! List Page

  • Info! Page - A User it's all the info about "Scene It Too?'s" creators.

Scene It! List Page