
Primary LanguageJavaScript


As you proceed in your career as a web developer, you will probably be asked to complete a coding assessment. These assessments are typically a combination of multiple-choice questions and interactive challenges. In this homework assignment, your challenge is to build a code quiz with multiple-choice questions.


From scratch, build a timer-based quiz application that stores high scores client-side. Following the common templates for user stories, we can frame this challenge as follows:

As a coding bootcamp student
I want to take a timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals that stores high scores
so that I can gauge my progress compared to my peers

How do you deliver this? Here are some guidelines:

  • Play proceeds as follows:

    • The user arrives at the landing page and is presented with a call-to-action to "Start Quiz." Also note the navigation option to "View Highscores" and the "Time" value set at 0.

    • Clicking the "Start Quiz" button presents the user with a series of questions. The timer is initialized with a value and immediately begins countdown.

    • Score is calculated by time remaining. Answering quickly and correctly results in a higher score. Answering incorrectly results in a time penalty (for example, 15 seconds are subtracted from time remaining).

    • When time runs out and/or all questions are answered, the user is presented with their final score and asked to enter their initials. Their final score and initials are then stored in localStorage.

  • Your application should also be responsive, ensuring that it adapts to multiple screen sizes.

  • Refer to the animated GIF below for a demonstration of the application functionality.

code quiz


  • Store your questions as an array of objects in a separate file, questions.js, that follows this format:
var questions = [
    title: "Commonly used data types DO NOT include:",
    choices: ["strings", "booleans", "alerts", "numbers"],
    answer: "alerts"
    title: "The condition in an if / else statement is enclosed within ____.",
    choices: ["quotes", "curly brackets", "parentheses", "square brackets"],
    answer: "parentheses"
  • The length of the array in questions.js determines the length of play. Fifteen seconds per question is a good estimate, so 5 questions will result in a length of play of 75 seconds.

Minimum Requirements

  • Functional, deployed application.

  • GitHub repository with README describing project.

  • The first view of the application displays a button that starts the quiz.

  • Clicking the start button displays a series of questions.

  • Once the quiz begins, a timer starts.

  • If a question is answered incorrectly, additional time is subtracted from the timer.

  • The timer stops when all questions have been answered or the timer reaches 0.

  • After the game ends, the user can save their initials and score to a highscores view using local storage.