Welcome to the US Forest Service Survival Analysis, the goal of this repository if to investigate the the time lags of forest management treatments within the US Forest Service (USFS).
Survival analysis of time lags, i.e. delays in activity or project initiation, will be done using R and Python.
To reproduce this study:
- Download and subset the desired USFS activities data following the instructions in the Python Jupyter Notebook.
- Use the R script for Data processing, substituting in the correct sorting directory, file paths, and file names.
- Use the R markdown (or use as a template) to complete a survival analysis. See the Reference folder for the R vignette on using the survival package.
In the PYTHON folder you will find a Jupyter Notebook Downlaod_Convert_Subset_Forest_Service_Data-for-Survival-Analysis-v02.ipynb with instructions for downloading and subsetting USFS data.
In the R folder you will find a R script for processing the data downloaded in #1.
In the R you can use the R_Survival_Analysis.Rmd, or in the REVISION folder you can use the R_Survival_Analysis_Revisions.Rmd to complete the survival analysis. I have included useful references in the REFERENCES folder which include the R vignette for using the survival package as well as a few of the fundamental papers.